Dr Susanne Becken is a Professor of Sustainable Tourism at
Griffith University, Australia, and an Adjunct Professor at Lincoln University,
New Zealand. Susanne is a globally recognised expert in the field of
sustainable tourism, in particular climate change, resource management,
resilience, and environmental behaviour. Her research, which is published in
more than 100 journal papers, reports and books, is widely cited by academics
around the world, and has also influenced government policy and industry
practice. Susanne acted as a
contributing author to the Fourth and Fifth IPCC Assessment Reports of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and represented Asia-Pacific on the
World Meteorological Organisation’s Expert Team on Climate and Tourism.
Susanne has undertaken consultancy work for a range of Government
organisations, the United Nations and industry and contributed to linking
academic theory with sustainable business and tourism management. Susanne is frequently invited as a keynote
speaker at international conference and she is on the editorial boards of
Annals of Tourism Research, the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of
Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, and Tourism Review. In 2011,
her achievements were formally recognised through the Emerging Scholar of
Distinction Award from the International Academy of the Study of Tourism.