82 |
Think Tank XVIII
Connecting through Stories: Adapting Communication to ...
1773 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: story-telling, landscapes, interpretation, sustainable tourism experiences
Author: Gianna Moscardo & Karen Hughes
Year: 2018
81 |
Think Tank XVIII
Community participation and stakeholder engagement in ...
4432 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Keywords: natural resource management, community participation, stakeholder engagement, co-creation, sustainable tourism, Networks of Reserves.
Author: Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa, Sandra Notaro, Nicola Zeni & Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi
Year: 2018
80 |
Think Tank XVIII
Defining Small Accommodation Establishments: employing...
2188 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: small accommodation, sustainable tourism, business models
Author: Niki Glen & Kevin Mearns
Year: 2018
79 |
Think Tank XVIII
Indigenous destination development: Nudging key player...
2694 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: Key players, sustainable tourism impact, tourism planning
Author: Astrid Frischknecht, Celiane Camargo-Borges & Celeste Wilderom
Year: 2018
78 |
Think Tank XVIII
Sustainable tourism products and services: development...
1666 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: sustainable urban tourism, urban regeneration, precincts, Johannesburg Maboneng
Author: Felicite A Fairer-Wessels & Emma J Pearse
Year: 2018
77 |
Think Tank XVIII
Certification as a tool to identify sustainable touris...
1924 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: Sustainable Tourism Products, Sustainable tourism certification schemes, Certification
Author: Martin Balas & Wolfgang Strasdas
Year: 2018
76 |
Think Tank XV
A vacation from capitalism; what happens when the ‘mas...
7401 | Jul 27, 2015 |
Philosophical and theoretical debates in tourism must be situated not just within economic and cultural contexts, but also political and social ones (Ataljevic, Pritchard & Morgan, 2007). Tourism is more than an ‘industry,’ Freya Higgins...
Author: Amy Savener
Year: 2015
75 |
Think Tank XV
A modified value chainanalysisoftourism development in...
4039 | Jul 27, 2015 |
Tourism development in a relatively unknown country is faced with various challenges. The difficulty is not only choosing an appropriate tourism development strategy but also managing it in a complex sociocultural, economic and political env...
Author: Sonja Frommenwiler & Péter Varga
Year: 2015
OPA: Runner Up Outstanding Paper Award
74 |
Think Tank XV
Social Representations of Tourist Selfies: New Challen...
3878 | Jul 27, 2015 |
A number of recent incidents have focussed media attention on the phenomenon of tourist selfies, described their negative consequences for tourist destinations and identified a number of challenges for tourist site managers. This paper repor...
Author: John Pearce & Gianna Moscardo
Year: 2015
73 |
Think Tank XV
Enhancing stakeholders’ participation for sustainable ...
2934 | Jul 27, 2015 |
Tourism is a fragile industry with multiple stakeholders. Globally, the desire of its stakeholders is to gain more benefits and eliminate negative impacts on resources that support the industry, particularly in protected areas (PAs) such as ...
Author: Richie Wandwi
Year: 2015
72 |
Think Tank XIV
Sustainable tourism, market failures and the challenge...
12098 | Jul 07, 2014 |
David's presentation outlines the major market failures in tourism production and consumption and questions the changing role of (public sector) governments in market regulation and ‘economic’ development. The presentation focuses specifical...
Author: David G. Simmons
Year: 2014
71 |
Think Tank XIV
Exploring the potential of Community Based Ecotourism ...
5776 | Jun 27, 2014 |
Development in developing countries often results in mass land-use change and subsequent increase in greenhouse gas emission by deforestation or forest degradation. For instance, approximately a-fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions was a...
Author: Stephen Wearing, Paul Chatterton, Amy Reggers & Hanna Sakata
Year: 2014
70 |
Think Tank XIV
Exploring Policy, Politics and Governance through Stak...
6098 | Jun 27, 2014 |
This paper looks at the development of an ecotrekking industry on the Kokoda Track and demonstrates how the use of participatory methods in community based tourism can align two different “regimes of truth” (that of the community and of the ...
Author: Stephen Wearing, Paul Chatterton & Amy Reggers
Year: 2014
69 |
Think Tank XIV
Bird-watching Routes as Collaborative Stakeholderships...
13162 | Jun 27, 2014 |
Although there are numerous birding trails with varying levels of success, prior to this study, little research existed as to how birding trails are designed, implemented and managed. Thus, the study posed and answered the following research...
Author: Krisztian Vas
Year: 2014
68 |
Think Tank XIV
Can "Slow Travel" Contribute to Sustainable Tourism?
6948 | Jun 27, 2014 |
Slow travel as a research field has increased in popularity in the last decade. The concept started to gain attention through online communities, and tourism researchers have become interested in the possible benefits that slow travel may ha...
Author: Tina Roenhovde Tiller
Year: 2014
67 |
Think Tank XIV
Local Networks as Sustainable Policy Instruments: A Ca...
4970 | Jun 27, 2014 |
In this case study, a communication network among local hotel managers was examined, first to assess the extent of communication among hotel managers, and second to identify influential members within the network. Communication with respect ...
Author: Karen Irene Thal & Tracy Burkett
Year: 2014
66 |
Think Tank XIV
Development of a Certification System for Sustainable ...
6560 | Jun 27, 2014 |
Tourism destinations are complex entities that can be defined as geographical areas of different sizes that are being visited by tourists. Most definitions then differentiate between the perspectives of those living in and managing a destina...
Author: Wolfgang Strasdas
Year: 2014
65 |
Think Tank XIV
Assessing Samui Island's Sustainable Tourism Policies ...
13730 | Jun 26, 2014 |
Since 2009, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) promoted sustainable tourism practices through its – 7 Greens Concept, which is similar to the main global trends towards sustainable tourism. The 7 Greens Concept includes Green Heart, Gre...
Author: Attama Nilnoppakun, Krissada Pornprapa, Nattapong Boonlue & Kreagrit Ampawat
Year: 2014
64 |
Think Tank XIV
Tropical Communities as Resources for Tourism or Touri...
48955 | Jun 26, 2014 |
The purpose of this paper is to review the barriers to sustainable tourism development faced by rural and developing regions and to explore the notion of tourism and its potential contribution to community well-being, with a focus on Flora’s...
Author: Laurie Murphy, Gianna Moscardo & Anna Blackman
Year: 2014
63 |
Think Tank XIV
Tourism Development as Greek Tragedy: Implications for...
25815 | Jun 26, 2014 |
Although tourism has been used as a development strategy in many parts of the world for several decades, there is little evidence that it is an effective tool for improving the wellbeing of destination communities. It is not uncommon to find...
Author: Gianna Moscardo, Anna Blackman & Laurie Murphy
Year: 2014