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2 Think Tank XII Residents' Perceptions on Event Impacts an Relocation ... file 3671 Nov 06, 2013

Social exchange theory and the mobility paradigm are used to understand residents’ perceptions on the impacts of the 2012 Olympic Games and their relocation intentions. Confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 212 residents of London city...

Author: Girish Prayag & Talia Alders 

Year: 2012 

1 Think Tank XII Barriers and Benefits to Professional Development: Per... file 34342 Nov 06, 2013

This paper builds upon the body of literature on tourism mobilities by considering supply-side perspectives as it relates to workforce planning and preparation. Research into tourism destination competitiveness has suggested that for a touri...

Author: Kevin Lyons, Joanne Hanley & Tamara Young 

Year: 2012