


List of Articles
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3 Think Tank VI Hilton Environmental Reporting as a Tool of Corporate ... file 8928 Oct 13, 2013

This paper reports on the history, criteria and procedures within Hilton Environmental Reporting, a computerized reporting tool created by Addsystems for Hilton International. The development and implementation process of the upgraded versi...

Author: Paulina Bohdanowicz 

Year: 2006 

2 Think Tank V Framing Tourist Risk in UK Press Accounts of Hurricane... file 5200 Oct 13, 2013

This paper examines the coverage of Hurricane Ivan in the Caribbean published in selected leading UK newspapers in September 2004. Quantitative textual analysis have been utilised in this study to determine the main sources of information on...

Author: Marcella Daye 

Year: 2005 

1 Think Tank V Tourism in Small Communities: Risks and Benefits file 4004 Oct 13, 2013

This paper presents the findings from a Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre study into the risks associated with the social impacts of tourism on a small community in the Australian state of Tasmania. This state is known for its...

Author: Leo Jago, Margaret Deery & Liz Fredline 

Year: 2005