


Author : Gianna Moscardo, Anna Blackman & Laurie Murphy
School/Work Place : James Cook University, Australia
Contact :
Year : 2014

Although tourism has been used as a development strategy in many parts of the world for several decades, there is little evidence that it is an effective tool for improving the wellbeing of destination communities. It is not uncommon to find cases where tourism development has resulted in extensive negative impacts on destination. Despite considerable academic concern over these issues there has been little change in tourism development policy or practice. This suggests a need to try innovative approaches to analysing and thinking about tourism development policy and planning processes. This paper reports on a study that explored the value of using classical Greek tragedy as a metaphor to guide analysis of the political context of tourism development. The study conducted a qualitative analysis of 10 case studies where a proposed tourism development had both significant negative impacts on the destination and failed as a commercial enterprise. This analysis highlighted a consistent pattern of events and characteristics that mirrored those central to Greek tragedies. The evidence suggests that the recognition of the tragic nature of tourism decisions could be an important step in changing tourism development policies. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of both the analysis and taking a tragic vision in tourism development policy, for education to support more sustainable tourism.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
10 Think Tank VIII Environmental Education and Ecotourism: A Case Study o... file 8928 Oct 13, 2013

In this paper we take the standpoint that environmental education and ecotourism are highly related and depend on each other, and that ecotourism cannot be achieved without proper environmental education. Furthermore, in order to achieve qu...

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8 Think Tank VIII Integrating Sustainability into Tourism Education and ... file 5009 Oct 13, 2013

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A problem in developing new tourism markets remains how to resource them from an existing employment base. Key questions arising are: Do current tourism enterprises have the existing skills to move into these new markets for sustainable tour...

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3 Think Tank VI Ecotourism and Environmental Education: Opportunities ... file 154401 Oct 13, 2013

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2 Think Tank V Tourism Education for Cambodia: A Case Study of its Fi... file 7232 Oct 13, 2013

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1 Think Tank IV Integration of Theory and Practice in Hospitality Sust... file 8787 Oct 13, 2013

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