


Author : Denise Dillon
School/Work Place : James Cook University, Singapore
Contact :
Year : 2009

The importance of values to tourism is but one aspect of the importance of values in human interactions with the natural environment and even more broadly to the human condition. However, attempts to understand the impact of values on behaviour requires a priori an understanding of what values are. This paper offers some insight into the language-in-use phenomenon pertaining to values within the context of a World Heritage Area that is a tourist draw card. Values are variously considered by economists as quantifiable monetary exchange rates (e.g. dollars) or as natural capital (Azqueta & Sotelsek, 2007), by some environmental scientists and forest managers as physically quantifiable environmental attributes and processes (e.g. trees, ecosystems) (Bengston, Webb, & Fan, 2004; Steinhoff, 1980), and by many social scientists as humans’ affective response to their environment (e.g. feelings). In this sense, values are considered as qualitatively foundational to human attitudes and behaviour (e.g. Kellert, 1993; Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961; Schwartz, 1994). However, values are also quantifiably foundational to the importance and ultimate World Heritage listing of areas that are internationally important for their unique flora and fauna among other attributes. World Heritage Areas – as outstanding and universally valuable examples of natural and cultural heritage – attract scientific, community and tourism interest. In addition, they are important as natural and aesthetic resources that are also of cultural and spiritual significance, specifically for people indigenous to the regions adjacent to or within a World Heritage Area and more generally to tourists and other visitors.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
294 Think Tank IX Valuing Open Innovation Environments in Tourism Educat... file 7106 Oct 13, 2013

The world has changed tremendously since the publication of Our Common Future by the World Commission for Environment and Development (1987), which elevated the concept of sustainable development from grassroots initiatives to the forefront...

Author: Janne Liburd & Anne-Mette Hjalager 

Year: 2009 

293 Think Tank IX Sustainable Tourism Principles Reflected in Award-Winn... file 4857 Oct 13, 2013

There has been increased attention given to sustainable tourism monitoring and evaluation efforts, including corporate policies, guidelines and codes of conduct as well as certification programs (e.g., Dodds and Joppe 2005; Font and Harris ...

Author: Stuart Levy & Donald Hawkins 

Year: 2009 

292 Think Tank IX Sustainable Tourism Development Plan for the Old City ... file 11922 Oct 13, 2013

This research aims to propose a sustainable tourism development plan for the City of Nan. Since the year 2000, Nan civil society leaders, national and international stakeholders have tried to develop Nan into a world heritage destination. I...

Author: Donruetai Kovathanakul 

Year: 2009 

291 Think Tank IX Exploring Tourists’ Environmental Learning, Values, an... file 6159 Oct 13, 2013

There is a need for a research agenda, which achieves a holistic understanding of the nature and influences of environmental learning on tourists’ environmental values and travel experiences in relation to climate change. Why, because touri...

Author: Ulrike Kachel & Gayle Jennings 

Year: 2009 

290 Think Tank IX De-constructing the Cosmopolitan Gaze file 3719 Oct 13, 2013

Introduction: Nurturing effective intercultural dialogue through tourism has been positioned to be an emergent challenge to tourism professionals working toward sustainability in a globalised world (Robinson and Picard 2006). This interdisci...

Author: Patricia Johnson 

Year: 2009 

289 Think Tank IX Developing a knowledge platform on value of parks for ... file 3775 Oct 13, 2013

National Parks and other protected natural areas are a significant point of focus for tourism activity globally. Consequently it is important to understand the values of parks for tourism to assist with effective policy, planning and manage...

Author: Michael Hughes & Jack Carlsen 

Year: 2009 

288 Think Tank IX Do Chinese tourists find their in-group members more t... file 2797 Oct 13, 2013

Furthermore, social identity theory suggests that people are attracted to others who are familiar to themselves because their similarity reinforces their self-image (Tajfel, 1982), and that people from collectivist culture tend to favour in-...

Author: Rui Jin Hoare, Ken Butcher & Danny O'Brien 

Year: 2009 

287 Think Tank IX The elusiveness of sustainability in tourism: The cult... file 6933 Oct 13, 2013

Sustainable tourism is perhaps the most prominent feature of contemporary tourism discourse. However, despite its prominence for several decades, achieving sustainability remains as elusive as ever. This paper explores the concept of the cu...

Author: Freya Higgins-Desbiolles 

Year: 2009 

286 Think Tank IX The role of values in sustaining the hospitality labou... file 7641 Oct 13, 2013

The role of human resources in sustaining hospitality enterprises has long been recognized (Hjalager und Andersen 2001; Baum 2007). Personnel are considered vital for the delivery of touristic experiences, thus being a central ingredient of ...

Author: Anja Hergesell, Ulrike Bauernfeind & Dagmar Lund-Durlacher 

Year: 2009 

285 Think Tank IX Valuing water: Perceived differences in attitude and u... file 5685 Oct 13, 2013

The recent explosion of second home development in tourism areas around the world is a reflection not only of the increased mobility of capital and people associated with the effects of globalization but also the development models employed ...

Author: Alison M. Gill, Peter W. Williams & Shelagh Thompson 

Year: 2009 

284 Think Tank IX Tourism Price Competitiveness: a neglected ‘value’ in ... file 4347 Oct 13, 2013

Price competitiveness is one of the most important factors in the overall tourism competitiveness of a country or a destination. There is widely accepted evidence that prices are one of the most important factors in decisions about whether, ...

Author: Larry Dwyer & Peter Forsyth 

Year: 2009 

» Think Tank IX Values: Dollars, trees or feelings? file 3321 Oct 13, 2013

The importance of values to tourism is but one aspect of the importance of values in human interactions with the natural environment and even more broadly to the human condition. However, attempts to understand the impact of values on behav...

Author: Denise Dillon 

Year: 2009 

282 Think Tank IX Using Social and Political Values to Assess Host Commu... file 4660 Oct 13, 2013

Tourism, like any other endeavour, operates within the social and political domains of a community, and it is therefore likely that residents with different social and political values would hold different representations of tourism. In the ...

Author: Margaret Deery, Leo Jago & Liz Fredline 

Year: 2009 

281 Think Tank IX Labour Justice and Sustainable Tourism: The Centrality... file 7736 Oct 13, 2013

What we value is intricately linked to our morality and our ethics, whether personal or corporate. Sustainability is essentially a statement of morality, embedding as it does the notion of inter- and intra-generational equity. This includes,...

Author: Stephanie Chok & Jim Macbeth 

Year: 2009 

280 Think Tank IX Revitalizing Community Values through Railway Regenera... file 9253 Oct 13, 2013

This paper presents a tourism research and education approach for the optimization of social capital invested in community action in support of railway tourism in the Asia Pacific region. The main hypothesis of the research is that railway r...

Author: Ian Chaplin 

Year: 2009 

279 Think Tank IX How to create superior value in sustainable tourism: ... file 8085 Oct 13, 2013

Extensive research and practical implementation concerning the value of natural resources has thus far been conducted when one considers for example wildlife-, eco- and cultural tourism, however many of these values originate from industry ...

Author: Philipp E. Boksberger & Jack Carlsen 

Year: 2009 

278 Think Tank IX The West in the East: Conflict in the Values of Volunt... file 5171 Oct 13, 2013

Consequently, the aim of this research was to explore the complexity of trying to work within a framework of sustainability, with a given number of stakeholders (in this case, a UK organisation, its customers (volunteers, primarily British) ...

Author: Angela M. Benson 

Year: 2009 

277 Think Tank IX What do sustainable tourism researchers value? An anal... file 8534 Oct 13, 2013

Sustainable Tourism has emerged as a major field of specialisation within tourism and has been so pervasive that some have suggested that the field represents a fifth platform of tourism research, while others have argued that the field has...

Author: Pierre Benckendorff 

Year: 2009 

276 Think Tank X Cultural-Touristic Network Altenkirchen – Perspective ... file 8237 Oct 13, 2013

Altenkirchen is situated in Westerwald/Raiffeisen region of Germany (between the cities of Bonn, Cologne, Mainz and Wiesbaden) and in addition to the 7,000 city inhabitants includes 42 municipalities with a further 24,000 people. It is a ci...

Author: Sanja Zerlauth & Dietmar Wiegand 

Year: 2010 

275 Think Tank X How Is Sustainability ‘Materialised’ in Tourism? Conte... file 2362 Oct 13, 2013

Meaning is one of the most elusive and ubiquitous properties of tourism spaces. This paper analyses the ambiguity of meaning in the materiality of tourism sustainability. Sustainable development and its three interrelated principles of holi...

Author: Neil M. Walsh 

Year: 2010