


Author : Gianna Moscardo, Andrea Schurmann, Elena Konovalov & Nancy G. McGehee
School/Work Place : James Cook University, Australia (Gianna Moscardo, Andrea Schurmann, Elena Konovalov), Virginia Tech, USA (Nancy McGehee)
Contact :
Year : 2013

Despite considerable discussion about how tourism could or should contribute to sustainable destination development, there is little evidence that the practice of tourism planning or development has altered in any significant way in the last 30 years. This paper will report on an action research project aimed at identifying and applying new approaches to using tourism effectively as a strategy for sustainable development in destination communities. The research reported in this paper adopted a community capitals approach to sustainable destination development and explored the links between features of tourism development and impacts on the social capital available to destination communities. The study was based on a workshop conducted with sixteen regional tourism development officers that used a variety of techniques, including a futures wheel exercise, to identify the relationships between aspects of tourism development and both positive and negative impacts on social capital. The results of the workshop highlighted the importance of effective local resident engagement in tourism planning and activity and suggested several new dimensions of tourism planning for further exploration and development. These included the need for tourism leaders to take on a broader responsibility for community development, the need for tourism take a more social entrepreneurial role in destination communities and the need to find different models for local and regional tourism organisations.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
12 Think Tank XII Enhancing Stakeholders' Participation in Community-Bas... file 17463 Nov 06, 2013

Although the iconic floating markets in Thailand have been promoted both domestically and internationally, without a well-planned tourism initiative, virtually all of them have lost their authenticity. To preserve the culture of the Don-Mano...

Author: Nopparat Suthitakon, Sombat Karnjanakit & Suchart Taweepornpathomgul 

Year: 2012 

» Think Tank XIII Using Tourism to Build Social Capital in Communities: ... file 14001 Nov 06, 2013

Despite considerable discussion about how tourism could or should contribute to sustainable destination development, there is little evidence that the practice of tourism planning or development has altered in any significant way in the last...

Author: Gianna Moscardo, Andrea Schurmann, Elena Konovalov & Nancy G. McGehee 

Year: 2013 

10 Think Tank X Is Ecotourism a Strategy for Regional Economic Develop... file 12260 Oct 14, 2013

The state of Uttarakhand (in the Himalayas) in which the two case studies were conducted is trying to expand its already existing strength in the tourism sector as well. Tourism is estimated to make up for about 20% of GDP in Uttarakhand in...

Author: Harald Pechlaner & Christopher Reuter 

Year: 2010 

9 Think Tank XVIII Visitor management in protected areas file 11548 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: tourism management, tourism planning, visitor management, protected areas, New Zealand

Author: Julia Nina Albrecht 

Year: 2018 

8 Think Tank XII Blurred Boundaries: The Implications of New Tourism Mo... file 11490 Nov 06, 2013

Tourism is traditionally treated as an escape from everyday life and tourism theory is concerned with extraordinary places. Tourism and everyday life are conceptualized as belonging to different ontological worlds.” (Larsen, 2008, p. 27). A...

Author: Laurie Murphy, Gianna Moscardo, Nancy McGehee & Elena Konovalov 

Year: 2012 

7 OPA award Using Tourism to Build Social Capital in Communities: ... file 9689 Nov 06, 2013

Despite considerable discussion about how tourism could or should contribute to sustainable destination development, there is little evidence that the practice of tourism planning or development has altered in any significant way in the last...

Author: Gianna Moscardo, Andrea Schurmann, Elena Konovalov & Nancy G. McGehee 

Year: 2013 

6 Think Tank XII Micro-Mobility Patterns and Service Blueprints as Foun... file 9261 Nov 06, 2013

This paper proposes the use of micro-mobility patterns and service blueprints in visitor management planning. Using a nature-based conservation area and visitor attraction in Wellington, New Zealand, as a case study, micro-mobility patterns ...

Author: Julia Albrecht 

Year: 2012 

5 Think Tank IX Revitalizing Community Values through Railway Regenera... file 9253 Oct 13, 2013

This paper presents a tourism research and education approach for the optimization of social capital invested in community action in support of railway tourism in the Asia Pacific region. The main hypothesis of the research is that railway r...

Author: Ian Chaplin 

Year: 2009 

4 Think Tank V Ideas for A(u)ction: Tourism Risk Management file 9045 Dec 14, 2013

As a contribution to BEST Education Network ThinkTank V, Managing Riskand Crisis for Sustainable Tourism, the following paper has been prepared in two parts. The first part of the paper focuses on the idea that an appropriate model can be de...

Author: Scott K. Cunliffe 

Year: 2005 

OPA: Keynote Speech 

3 Think Tank VIII Community Actions to Engage Local Residents in Tourism... file 8560 Dec 19, 2013

This paper explores the residents’ knowledge of community actions to engage local members in tourism planning and development in the King Cobra Village of Thailand. The degree of participatory ability which is associated with the public atti...

Author: Kitsada Tungchawal 

Year: 2008 

2 Think Tank VII Practical Interpretations of a Dynamic Model of Sustai... file 6698 Oct 13, 2013

"Operational definitions of tourism sustainability require details regarding what is to be sustained, for whom it is to be sustained, and the level at which it is to be sustained." This is the introductory sentence to "A Dynamic Model of Sus...

Author: Timothy Tyrrell & Robert Johnston 

Year: 2007 

1 Think Tank XVIII Indigenous destination development: Nudging key player... file 2692 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: Key players, sustainable tourism impact, tourism planning

Author: Astrid Frischknecht, Celiane Camargo-Borges & Celeste Wilderom 

Year: 2018