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Think Tank VI
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Catalan hospita...
77339 | Oct 13, 2013 |
The practices of CSR have attracted the attention of the investigators, who have prepared a great diversity of theories and the international organisms, which have done recommendations, so that the companies have added them in their strategi...
Author: Ramon Palau
Year: 2006
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Think Tank VIII
Employment of the Disabled Workforce in the Hospitalit...
9933 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Employment is one of the important requirements for the integration of disabled people to daily life. The tourism industry is one of Turkey’s important industries with a great potential for growth. However this growth must be a planned and ...
Author: Sabah Balta & Murat Bengisu
Year: 2008
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Think Tank XI
CRS 2.0: Management Perspectives of Sustainable Hospit...
9235 | Oct 14, 2013 |
In recent years, hotel companies have recognized the importance of engaging in responsible business practices as they relate to stakeholders including employees, guests, and the communities in which their properties are located. Accordingly...
Author: Stuart E. Levy & Sun-Young Park
Year: 2011
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Think Tank VIII
Responding to Climate Change in Australian Resort Hote...
8762 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Extensive infrastructure and client expectations of luxury will mean that their carbon footprint and water usage is likely to exceed significantly that of average urban households. Often located in coastal or riverine settings, they are vuln...
Author: Charles Arcodia & Chantal Dickson
Year: 2008
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Think Tank IX
The role of values in sustaining the hospitality labou...
7425 | Oct 13, 2013 |
The role of human resources in sustaining hospitality enterprises has long been recognized (Hjalager und Andersen 2001; Baum 2007). Personnel are considered vital for the delivery of touristic experiences, thus being a central ingredient of ...
Author: Anja Hergesell, Ulrike Bauernfeind & Dagmar Lund-Durlacher
Year: 2009
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Think Tank XIV
Local Networks as Sustainable Policy Instruments: A Ca...
4856 | Jun 27, 2014 |
In this case study, a communication network among local hotel managers was examined, first to assess the extent of communication among hotel managers, and second to identify influential members within the network. Communication with respect ...
Author: Karen Irene Thal & Tracy Burkett
Year: 2014