202 |
Think Tank IV
Sustainability in a Mature Mass-Tourism Destination: T...
5432 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Most destinations are struggling to achieve sustainability for their economies, their environments, their cultures and their tourism industries. This laudatory, idealistic and complex process involves many sectors of the industry, the commun...
Author: Pauline Sheldon, John Knox & Kem Lowry
Year: 2004
201 |
Think Tank IV
Sustainability and Mass Destinations: Challenges and P...
5413 | Oct 13, 2013 |
In year 2001, the Government of the Balearic Islands decided to establish a tourism tax, named "ecotax", as an important measure to achieve a more sustainable tourism model for the islands. This paper analyses the background of the ecotax, t...
Author: Antoni Serra Cantallops
Year: 2004
200 |
Think Tank IV
Environmental Attitudes of Tourism Activity Providers ...
4116 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper looks at the issue of environmental awareness and the related topic of 'ecolabels' in a New Zealand context, adopting a supplier's perspective to gain a greater insight into the attitudes of those managing and providing tourism pr...
Author: Christian Schott
Year: 2004
199 |
Think Tank IV
Cultural Tourism as a Means for Sustainability in a Ma...
4876 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Tourism has become for many islands a means of social, economic and cultural development through the creation of jobs, raising standards of living and through the development of local resources for culture and heritage. Thus, many of these d...
Author: Chryso Panayidou
Year: 2004
198 |
Think Tank IV
Sustainable Tourism and Innovation in Mobile Tourism S...
4323 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper presents a joint public and private sector research project entitled Mobile Digital City and Nature Walks - the development of content and software for a mobile tourism device. Focusing on sustainable tourism, marketing and innova...
Author: Janne J. Liburd
Year: 2004
197 |
Think Tank IV
A Framework for the Development of Social and Socio-Ec...
4289 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper presents the background thinking to a CRC for Sustainable Tourism project that develops social and socio-economic indicators for tourism communities. The project emanates from the Green Globe 21 Standard that incorporates indicato...
Author: Margaret Deery, Leo Jago & Liz Fredline
Year: 2004
196 |
Think Tank IV
Integration of Theory and Practice in Hospitality Sust...
9336 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This brief paper describes a new educational model developed at Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL) to link theory and practice, or more specifically, coordinate learning opportunities between the classroom (Sustainable Tourism) and current pr...
Author: James Holleran
Year: 2004
195 |
Think Tank IV
It's Mostly About Me: Reasons why Volunteers contribut...
5964 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper contributes to the debate by reporting on inital findings from a wider study of volunteers in museums and art museums that was designed to empirically explore volunteer motivation, expectations, values and commitment. The aim of t...
Author: Deborah Edwards
Year: 2004
194 |
Think Tank IV
Tourism focused NGO's - An Online Content Analysis
3606 | Oct 13, 2013 |
The number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) increased from 31,246 to 37,281 (19.3%) between 1990 and 2000, (Human Development Report, 2002). The importance of NGOs is documented in United Nations Local Agenda 21 Chapter 27, 'Strength...
Author: Meng-Mei Chen & James Holleran
Year: 2004
193 |
Think Tank IV
Possibilities for Sustainable Tourism Management in Ac...
5387 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Sustainability is an inevitable concept in tourism which heavily depends on natural resources and environment with its products and services. Here prevention and controlling water, air and noise pollution, habitat degradation is more importa...
Author: Meryem Atik, Türker Altan & A. Akin Aksu
Year: 2004
192 |
Think Tank V
Tourism Education for Cambodia: A Case Study of its Fi...
8207 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper details the development, delivery and outcomes of a Masters course in Tourism Development that was delivered by the Royal University of Phnom Penh, with the assistance and support of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and t...
Author: Ravi Ravinder
Year: 2005
191 |
Think Tank V
Tourism in Small Communities: Risks and Benefits
4354 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper presents the findings from a Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre study into the risks associated with the social impacts of tourism on a small community in the Australian state of Tasmania. This state is known for its...
Author: Leo Jago, Margaret Deery & Liz Fredline
Year: 2005
190 |
Think Tank V
Resident Segments Using SUS-TAS
7858 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Recognizing that tools developed solely to measure perceptions of positive/negative impacts of tourism within the traditional conceptual works are insufficient, recently Choi and Sirakaya (2005) developed and tested both an innovative framew...
Author: Ercan Sirakayae, Linda J. Ingram & Hwan Suk Chris Choi
Year: 2005
189 |
Think Tank V
An Economic Explanation of the Net Benefits of Tourism...
3259 | Oct 13, 2013 |
International tourism is increasingly viewed as one of the best opportunities for a sustainable economic and social development of developing countries. There is also an increasing concern from public policy makers as to whether mass tourism...
Author: Mondher Sahli & Jean-Jacques Nowak
Year: 2005
188 |
Think Tank V
Effects of SARS Crisis on the Economic Contribution of...
4304 | Oct 13, 2013 |
In a context of uncertainty over traveller security, tourism experienced two major crises in 2003- the Iraq War and SARS. While the relative impacts of a complex array of impacts on travel decisionmaking are almost impossible to dissect, thi...
Author: Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth & Ray Spurr
Year: 2005
187 |
Think Tank V
Reflecting or Directing Perceptions? Fox Media’s Respo...
12746 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Disasters at tourism destinations often receive extensive reporting in the news media, particularly when one or more of their own nationals are affected. From terrorism to natural disasters, the stories of tourists and, more recently, their ...
Author: Sue Beeton
Year: 2005
186 |
OPA award
Crisis Communications and Tourism Recovery Strategies ...
8085 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper describes the application of lessons and processes gleaned from previous crises and disasters to the tourism recovery process for the Maldives following the tsunami of December 26 th , 2004. An assessment of existing literature as...
Author: Jack Carlsen
Year: 2005
OPA: 2005 Outstanding Paper Award Winner
185 |
Think Tank V
Crisis Communications and Tourism Recovery Strategies ...
5984 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This paper describes the application of lessons and processes gleaned from previous crises and disasters to the tourism recovery process for the Maldives following the tsunami of December 26 th , 2004. An assessment of existing literature as...
Author: Jack Carlsen
Year: 2005
OPA: 2005 Outstanding Paper Award Winner
184 |
Think Tank V
Knowledge Management for Tourism Crises and Disasters
13907 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Tourism is especially vulnerable to disasters and, being fragmented, often its response is difficult to initiate and coordinate. It is also information intensive and when in chaos its information needs are exacerbated. The paper aims to deve...
Author: Nina Mistilis & Pauline Sheldon
Year: 2005
183 |
Think Tank V
Political Instability and its Effects on Tourism
8156 | Oct 13, 2013 |
Tourism today is second only to oil as the world’s leading export commodity, accounting for global earnings of more than $300 billion, or nearly 25 per cent of total world GNP (Poirier 2000, p30, cited in Dieke, 2000). Over the last two deca...
Author: Sarah JR Ryu
Year: 2005