


Author : Robert Billington, Veronica Cadoppi & Natalie Carter
School/Work Place : Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory – Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, Inc., USA
Contact :
Year : 2006
OPA : 2006 Outstanding Paper Award Winner

Following its historical rise and fall, America’s first industrialized polluted landscape garnered federal and local support to remedy its near destruction. Today, the Blackstone Valley is a pragmatic example of translating theory into practice.

The Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, since its inception in 1985, has applied determined leadership, innovation and commitment to its mission and innovative sustainable tourism principles in its work. This dedication to its destination, aligned with principles from the World Tourism Organization (2004), United Nations Environmental Programme & World Tourism Organization (2005), and National Geographic Society (2006), has led the way for the Blackstone Valley to become a sustainable tourism destination.

The Tourism Council has worked to preserve and enhance the Valley’s environment, respect the socio-cultural authenticity of the local communities, and provide economic growth to all stakeholders. Social responsibility from all sectors of the community have lead the Valley to find its direction, follow its vision and share it with others along the way (Billington & Manheim, 2002).

The Blackstone Valley Tourism Council continues to fulfill the vision of sustainable tourism through the Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development Laboratory. The Laboratory’s purpose is to share the Tourism Council’s experience in developing planned sustainable tourism with local, regional, state, provincial and worldwide tourism leaders, and community stakeholders seeking to develop viable and successful destinations.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
2 Think Tank XVIII Community participation and stakeholder engagement in ... file 4297 Jan 07, 2019

Keywords: natural resource management, community participation, stakeholder engagement, co-creation, sustainable tourism, Networks of Reserves.

Author: Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa, Sandra Notaro, Nicola Zeni & Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi 

Year: 2018 

1 Think Tank XVIII Connecting through Stories: Adapting Communication to ... file 1615 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: story-telling, landscapes, interpretation, sustainable tourism experiences

Author: Gianna Moscardo & Karen Hughes 

Year: 2018