


Author : Michael Kweku Commeh
School/Work Place : Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Contact :
Year : 2015

The relationship between man and nature dates back to the millennia. The intimacy of man-nature interaction increased with decreasing healthy nature, as man’s insatiable desire to know and control nature as a commodity becomes more dynamically complex. It is in this context that Mole National Park (MNP) and its wider stakeholders are being examined to understand the fundamental values that will engender a healthy relationship between stakeholders and the National Park.

The work dealt with stakeholders whose activities are connected to Mole National Park: communities around the National Park (NP); tour operators near and far; tourists; government; traditional administration and indigenous people; through to farming communities that span 100km radius around the park. The work exploratively identified biomass energy demand and farming activities as externalities that threatens MNP. The conflict associated with man’s activities with nature to survive has come with biodiversity loss, unpredictable climate change with its associated food insecurity.

This paper is about understanding the meaning of underlying narratives of stakeholders to identify shared ethical value(s) that will motivate them to be committed in enhancing effective management of MNP. It is about how dialogue between man and nature has evolved in post-modernist Africans and how they understand their relationships first amongst themselves (Abel et al., 1998) and then with nature, and probably why. The paper observes trust and survival values as major parameters having an effect on a quality relationship among stakeholders, and their dialogue with Mole National Park as one of the causes of nature mismanagement. The question is: how can one enhance this to effectively manage it? What are the elements needed for stakeholders to be committed to the sustainability of MNP?

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
» Think Tank XV Deconstruction of Man-nature Dialogue Nexus: A Critica... file 8996 Jul 27, 2015

The relationship between man and nature dates back to the millennia. The intimacy of man-nature interaction increased with decreasing healthy nature, as man’s insatiable desire to know and control nature as a commodity becomes more dynamical...

Author: Michael Kweku Commeh 

Year: 2015 

6 Think Tank XIV Tourism Concessions in National Parks: Neo-liberal Too... file 5208 Jun 26, 2014

For the tourism sector the government aims to “Grow the number of new business opportunities on public conservation land in order to deliver increased economic prosperity and conservation gain” (New Zealand Government, 2012: 23). In relation...

Author: Valentina Dinica 

Year: 2014 

5 Think Tank XIII The Politics of Community-Based Tourism Planning in th... file 3522 Nov 06, 2013

The management of protected areas has to deal with a wide range of challenges, amongst these, a growing array of social, political and economic expectations. In this regard, protected areas are increasingly expected to particularly serve as ...

Author: Anna Hübner & Truong Si Hong Chau 

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4 Think Tank IX Developing a knowledge platform on value of parks for ... file 3180 Oct 13, 2013

National Parks and other protected natural areas are a significant point of focus for tourism activity globally. Consequently it is important to understand the values of parks for tourism to assist with effective policy, planning and manage...

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3 Think Tank VII The Community of Communicators and the Communication o... file 10869 Oct 13, 2013

In spite of the trend towards business as a key element in society and tourism, governments still play an important role in the sustainable development debate. Like any social institution, governments and related organizations do not always ...

Author: Keith Henning 

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2 Think Tank VI National Park as a Social Corporation file 3832 Oct 13, 2013

The issue is discussed how authorities of National Parks that aim to preserve biosphere can enlarge income. A review indicates that many Parks generate high income from tourism. A Dutch case illustrates that one can find sustainable innovat...

Author: Yoram Krozer & Else Christensen-Redzepovic 

Year: 2006 

1 Think Tank VI Corporate Social Responsibility or Government Interven... file 9568 Oct 13, 2013

Implicit in notions of sustainable development is an holistic triple bottom line approach that seeks to preserve essential ecological processes, protect human heritage and biodiversity and foster inter and intra-generational equity whilst r...

Author: David Wood & Jack Carlsen 

Year: 2006