


List of Articles
No. Subject Views Date
2 Think Tank XII Destination Governance and Tourist Mobilities: New Par... file 6323 Nov 06, 2013

Resort communities are complex systems where destination governance has become increasingly challenged by new mobilities of capital, finance, labor, communication, transportation, leisure and tourism. Popular destinations like the coastal co...

Author: Dianne Dredge & Tazim Jamal 

Year: 2012 

1 Think Tank X Establishing a Network of European Rural Villages for ... file 5571 Oct 14, 2013

The paper deals with the research activity carried out by the Authors in the context of the European Project “Listen to the Voice of Villages”. The focus is on the governance asset and tools able to enhance sustainable tourism development i...

Author: Mariangela Franch, Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa & Fabio Sacco 

Year: 2010