


Author : Attama Nilnoppakun, Krissada Pornprapa, Nattapong Boonlue & Kreagrit Ampawat
School/Work Place : Silpakorn University, Thailand
Contact :
Year : 2014

Since 2009, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) promoted sustainable tourism practices through its – 7 Greens Concept, which is similar to the main global trends towards sustainable tourism. The 7 Greens Concept includes Green Heart, Green Logistics, Green Attraction, Green Community, Green Activity, Green Service, and Green Plus (Tourism Promotion Department, 2009). After a few years of implementing the policies and plans for tourist destinations, in 2013, there was an evaluation of the policies, and plans were carried out. Samui Island (Koh Samui) was one of the destinations selected for evaluation using the 7 Greens Concept. Assessment tools included a questionnaire for tourists, in-depth interviews, and a focus group. It was concluded that in spite of the tourists’ perception that Samui is a green island, the local representatives referred to Koh Samui as “going” green. Some of the tourism-related businesses and local travel agents in Koh Samui that were involved in the implementation process felt satisfied with the activities implemented. However, the local conservation representatives claimed they were rarely invited to voice their opinions about the implemented plans. They felt that the integration of the endogenous renewal and the transition management of tourism should be highlighted.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
» Think Tank XIV Assessing Samui Island's Sustainable Tourism Policies ... file 13730 Jun 26, 2014

Since 2009, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) promoted sustainable tourism practices through its – 7 Greens Concept, which is similar to the main global trends towards sustainable tourism. The 7 Greens Concept includes Green Heart, Gre...

Author: Attama Nilnoppakun, Krissada Pornprapa, Nattapong Boonlue & Kreagrit Ampawat 

Year: 2014 

3 Think Tank XIV Stakeholder Collaboration and Contestation in Tourism ... file 3826 Jun 26, 2014

Since Timor-Leste gained its independence in 2002, tourism has been promoted by both government and NGOs as a means to create jobs, build businesses, create income for national and local economics and improve regional economic imbalances (Ti...

Author: Sara Currie & Lindsay Turner 

Year: 2014 

2 Think Tank X Sustainability: What Matters to Students, Educators, a... file 8684 Oct 14, 2013

As climate change gains global attention from events like the summit in Copenhagen held during December of 2009, the need for sustainable tourism is more important than ever; with comprehensive education in sustainability concepts and practi...

Author: Cynthia S. Deale & Nelson Barber 

Year: 2010 

1 Think Tank X Sustainable Destination Management and the Marketing-P... file 7156 Oct 14, 2013

A traditional and widely held view is that a sustainable approach to destination planning and management ideally requires that marketing and product development are undertaken in an integrated manner. However, if we take just two activities...

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