


Author : Alexander Dingeldey & Anja Soboll
School/Work Place : University of Munich, Germany
Contact :
Year : 2010

This paper presents an interacting multi-agent model as a new method of examining the impact of climate change on Alpine leisure tourism and ski areas in a complex interacting model network. Since tourism varies at a small scale concerning natural resources as well as offered market segments, a regional differentiated analyse of the effects of climate change on both the tourism supply side and demand side is essential. Therefore, we have developed a high-resolution simulation model to rate the tourism development under different climate and societal scenarios in the German and Austrian Upper Danube catchment. As a result, we evaluate implications on the tourism industry for the next fifty years. As the model analyses tourism development on a high level of individualisation, it fosters the finding of economically reasonable investment strategies and supports the policy makers' outward reasoning by making the decisions more objective and transparent. The effects on climate change are very different on a small spatial scale: Some larger and higher located ski resorts will operate very successful in the next decades. They will profit from the shift of guest caused by the problems that smaller and no more snow-reliable ski areas are facing.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
11 Think Tank XII Virtual Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism: Virtual Fi... file 3185 Nov 06, 2013

Due to the financial constraints on the part of the educational institution as well as the student, offsetting the GHG emissions generated by the fieldtrip is often not regarded as financially feasible, or subject to doubts about the integri...

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10 Think Tank VIII Tourism Professionals’ Attitudes towards Climate Chang... file 3544 Oct 13, 2013

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9 Think Tank XII Sustainable Tourism: Is it better to travel or not to ... file 5206 Nov 06, 2013

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8 Think Tank XIV Exploring the potential of Community Based Ecotourism ... file 5359 Jun 27, 2014

Development in developing countries often results in mass land-use change and subsequent increase in greenhouse gas emission by deforestation or forest degradation. For instance, approximately a-fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions was a...

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7 Think Tank IX Exploring Tourists’ Environmental Learning, Values, an... file 5527 Oct 13, 2013

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6 Think Tank X Climate Change Mitigation among Accommodation Provider... file 5683 Oct 13, 2013

This paper explores the relationship between network membership and innovation towards more sustainable tourism development. In particular it examines the extent to which tourism businesses have introduced measures to mitigate the effects of...

Author: Tim Coles, Anne-Kathrin Zschiegner & Claire Dinan 

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5 Think Tank VIII Responding to Climate Change in Australian Resort Hote... file 6629 Oct 13, 2013

Extensive infrastructure and client expectations of luxury will mean that their carbon footprint and water usage is likely to exceed significantly that of average urban households. Often located in coastal or riverine settings, they are vuln...

Author: Charles Arcodia & Chantal Dickson 

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4 Think Tank X New Media for Climate Change Communication and Collabo... file 6827 Oct 13, 2013

The Climate Change Collaboratory1 aims to strengthen the relations between Austrian scientists, policy makers, educators, environmental NGOs, news media and corporations - stakeholders who recognize the need for adaptation and mitigation, b...

Author: Arno Scharl 

Year: 2010 

» Think Tank X The Impact of Climate Change on Alpine Leisure Tourism... file 10520 Oct 13, 2013

This paper presents an interacting multi-agent model as a new method of examining the impact of climate change on Alpine leisure tourism and ski areas in a complex interacting model network. Since tourism varies at a small scale concerning ...

Author: Alexander Dingeldey & Anja Soboll 

Year: 2010 

2 Think Tank X Drowning with Tourism? Stakeholder Perspectives from T... file 11796 Oct 13, 2013

Climate change and its impacts on nations, regions and populations as well as its anthropogenic causes have become one of the prevailing issues of global society and, hence, subject to ongoing debates among e.g. the natural, political and s...

Author: Anna Huebner 

Year: 2010 

1 Think Tank XII The Climate Footprint of Nature-based Tourism - The ca... file 20457 Nov 06, 2013

Nature-based tourism is a form of travel that is often believed to lend itself more to sustainable development than other tourism segments. In fact, the concept of ecotourism – defined as nature tourism that is sustainable – was developed in...

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