46 |
Think Tank XVIII
Deconstructing mass tourism with “upscale, all-year-ro...
17578 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: local residents, seasonality, mass tourism, sustainability, tourism development
Author: Tina Šegota
Year: 2018
45 |
Think Tank XVIII
What to communicate about sustainability actions of Fi...
16531 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: sustainability, responsibility, marketing, communication, Finland, villa holiday
Author: Katja Pasanen
Year: 2018
44 |
Think Tank XVIII
The role of research-based evidence in destination mar...
2421 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: marketing, research-based evidence, partnership, rural tourism, city tourism, sustainability
Author: Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka & Hiroaki Hoshi
Year: 2018
43 |
Think Tank XVIII
Communication of Sustainability Efforts in the Hospita...
2587 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Keywords: green marketing, sustainability engagement, small / owner-managed hotels
Author: Sven-Olaf Gerdt, Elisa Wagner & Gerhard Schewe
Year: 2018
42 |
Think Tank XVIII
Resilience thinking used as a sustainable tourism mark...
2111 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: protected areas, resilience thinking, sustainability, marketing, tool
Author: Claire Louisa Fordred & Kevin Mearns
Year: 2018
41 |
Think Tank XVIII
The Munich Streetlife Festival: A case study on a gree...
5269 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: Green events, sustainability communication, theory of planned behaviour, transtheoretical model, structure equation model
Author: Elias Butzmann & Christina Tölkes
Year: 2018
40 |
OPA award
Can Direct Communication at the Point of Consumption R...
2858 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: food waste, food signage, sustainability, experiment
Author: Hannes Antonschmidt & Dagmar Lund-Durlacher
Year: 2018
39 |
Think Tank XVIII
SMTE’s use of SoMe and Sustainability
2326 | Jan 07, 2019 |
Key words: SoMe, Small medium sized tourism enterprises (SMTE’s), Sustainability, Tourism.
Author: Ida Marie Visbech Andersen
Year: 2018
38 |
Think Tank XV
The role of souvenir vendors in the cultural sustainab...
3844 | Jul 27, 2015 |
The research investigated the role of souvenir vendors in sustaining the social-cultural authenticity of Chichen Itza’s host community, a Mexican UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) (UNESCO, 2015a). The case study evaluated the Maya-descent ven...
Author: Ady Milman
Year: 2015
37 |
Think Tank XV
Perceptions of local communities participation in rura...
3814 | Jul 27, 2015 |
In order to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs, rural communities should be able to participate actively in all aspects of tourism, including planning and management. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the local communit...
Author: Limpho Lekaota & Jarkko Saarined
Year: 2015
36 |
Think Tank XIV
Current Global Initiatives to Address the Sustainabili...
5869 | Jul 07, 2014 |
A number of ongoing and new initiatives aim at the tourism sector with the intention of improving sustainability within the sector and through tourism in other economic and social activities. Dirk's presentation reflects on UNWTO’s position ...
Author: Dirk Glaesser
Year: 2014
35 |
Think Tank XIII
Striving for Environmental Sustainability through Soci...
6644 | Nov 06, 2013 |
The question how native societies cope with the increasing pressure of global values, such as sustainability, westernization and democratic institutions has been asked in the last decades (Smith, 1989; Honey, 1999; Nash, 2001; Honey, 2008). ...
Author: Peter Varga
Year: 2013
34 |
Think Tank XIII
The Paradox of poverty amidst the plenty of nature: co...
7337 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Rural communities in South Africa have not been active stakeholders in tourism development. Community awareness and involvement in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage through sustainable tourism development in selected areas ad...
Author: Felicité A. Fairer-Wessels
Year: 2013
33 |
Think Tank XII
Sustainable Mobilities Beyond the Report: Covert Susta...
5608 | Nov 06, 2013 |
The concept of sustainable development has become a mainstream idea in the governance and management of travel and tourism. Over the past two decades it has attracted considerable attention and debate. While the principles of sustainable dev...
Author: Tim Coles, Emily Fenclova & Claire Dinan
Year: 2012
32 |
Think Tank XI
Environmental Attitudes of Generation Y Students: Foun...
6167 | Oct 14, 2013 |
Sustainability has long been a theme in the tourism research and planning literature and is a growing concern in the wider area of business and corporate management. Consequent to these trends in practice and research there has been a growt...
Author: Pierre Benckendorff, Gianna Moscardo & Laurie Murphy
Year: 2011
31 |
Think Tank XI
What Do Tourism Students Know About Sustainability and...
13894 | Oct 14, 2013 |
The topic of sustainable tourism education has only recently started to emerge in the tourism literature. A few tourism scholars have raised concerns about the need to prepare future tourism professionals for real life planning and manageme...
Author: Blanca A. Camargo & Ulrike Gretzel
Year: 2011
30 |
Think Tank XI
CRS 2.0: Management Perspectives of Sustainable Hospit...
9531 | Oct 14, 2013 |
In recent years, hotel companies have recognized the importance of engaging in responsible business practices as they relate to stakeholders including employees, guests, and the communities in which their properties are located. Accordingly...
Author: Stuart E. Levy & Sun-Young Park
Year: 2011
29 |
Think Tank XI
Learning for Sustainable Tourism: Small and Medium Ent...
5026 | Oct 14, 2013 |
This abstract intends to present QUSS – an integrated Management System for Quality, Sustainability and Safety in theory and practice. QUSS was invented by the NGO Ecocamping and is thus basically applied on camp sites in Europe with focus ...
Author: Tatjana Thimm
Year: 2011
28 |
Think Tank X
Sustainability: What Matters to Students, Educators, a...
8684 | Oct 14, 2013 |
As climate change gains global attention from events like the summit in Copenhagen held during December of 2009, the need for sustainable tourism is more important than ever; with comprehensive education in sustainability concepts and practi...
Author: Cynthia S. Deale & Nelson Barber
Year: 2010
27 |
Think Tank X
Sustainable Tourism Pedagogy and Student Community Col...
18202 | Oct 14, 2013 |
There have been increasing calls to move away from the traditional disciplinary structures and research, teaching and learning approaches that have tended to ‘tunnel’ student learning and reinforce particular worldviews towards new forms of ...
Author: Tazim Jamal, Justin Taillon & Dianne Dredge
Year: 2010