


List of Articles
No. Subject Views Date
2 Think Tank VI National Park as a Social Corporation file 4482 Oct 13, 2013

The issue is discussed how authorities of National Parks that aim to preserve biosphere can enlarge income. A review indicates that many Parks generate high income from tourism. A Dutch case illustrates that one can find sustainable innovat...

Author: Yoram Krozer & Else Christensen-Redzepovic 

Year: 2006 

1 Think Tank V Managing of Public Risks in Tourism: Towards Sustainab... file 5110 Oct 13, 2013

How to manage risks that endanger development of tourism but that are caused by tourism itself? An industry-based model is presented as an analytic tool and adapted to the situation in tourism. It is argued that development of tourism lacks ...

Author: Yoram Krozer & Else Redzepovic 

Year: 2005