


List of Articles
No. Subject Views Date
205 Think Tank XVIII Sustainable Experience: Innovative sustainable communi... file 4722 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: Customer Experience, Sustainable Marketing, CSR, Communication, Hospitality Management

Author: Annkathrin Weiss & Matthias Straub 

Year: 2018 

204 Think Tank XVIII Deconstructing mass tourism with “upscale, all-year-ro... file 17433 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: local residents, seasonality, mass tourism, sustainability, tourism development

Author: Tina Šegota 

Year: 2018 

203 Think Tank XVIII Persuasive communication: an experiment on hotel guest... file 4668 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: personal values, smart water-saving technology, community-based social marketing, science communication, pro-environmental behaviour, field experiment.

Author: Pablo Pereira-Doel, Xavier Font & Candice Howarth 

Year: 2018 

202 Think Tank XVIII What to communicate about sustainability actions of Fi... file 16366 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: sustainability, responsibility, marketing, communication, Finland, villa holiday

Author: Katja Pasanen 

Year: 2018 

201 Think Tank XVIII Advocating the utilisation of visitor book inscription... file 1308 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: Visitor books, visitor experience, visitor satisfaction, Mnemba Island, Zanzibar.

Author: Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2018 

200 Think Tank XVIII Community participation and stakeholder engagement in ... file 4298 Jan 07, 2019

Keywords: natural resource management, community participation, stakeholder engagement, co-creation, sustainable tourism, Networks of Reserves.

Author: Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa, Sandra Notaro, Nicola Zeni & Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi 

Year: 2018 

199 Think Tank XVIII The role of research-based evidence in destination mar... file 2231 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: marketing, research-based evidence, partnership, rural tourism, city tourism, sustainability

Author: Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka & Hiroaki Hoshi 

Year: 2018 

198 Think Tank XVIII Communication of Sustainability Efforts in the Hospita... file 2417 Jan 07, 2019

Keywords: green marketing, sustainability engagement, small / owner-managed hotels

Author: Sven-Olaf Gerdt, Elisa Wagner & Gerhard Schewe 

Year: 2018 

197 Think Tank XVIII Resilience thinking used as a sustainable tourism mark... file 1970 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: protected areas, resilience thinking, sustainability, marketing, tool

Author: Claire Louisa Fordred & Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2018 

196 Think Tank XVIII The Munich Streetlife Festival: A case study on a gree... file 5133 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: Green events, sustainability communication, theory of planned behaviour, transtheoretical model, structure equation model

Author: Elias Butzmann & Christina Tölkes 

Year: 2018 

195 OPA award Can Direct Communication at the Point of Consumption R... file 2695 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: food waste, food signage, sustainability, experiment

Author: Hannes Antonschmidt & Dagmar Lund-Durlacher 

Year: 2018 

194 Think Tank XVIII SMTE’s use of SoMe and Sustainability file 2189 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: SoMe, Small medium sized tourism enterprises (SMTE’s), Sustainability, Tourism.

Author: Ida Marie Visbech Andersen 

Year: 2018 

193 Think Tank XVIII Visitor management in protected areas file 11345 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: tourism management, tourism planning, visitor management, protected areas, New Zealand

Author: Julia Nina Albrecht 

Year: 2018 

192 Think Tank XV The role of interpretation in mindfulness/mindlessness... file 5820 Jul 27, 2015

Cultural tourism is recently receiving increasing attention from southern African countries (The South African National Heritage and Cultural Tourism Strategy, 2012; Van Veuren, 2001). Cultural tourism is promoted as a local development stra...

Author: Haretsebe Manwa, Dudu Boemah & Emile Coetzee 

Year: 2015 

191 Think Tank XV A vacation from capitalism; what happens when the ‘mas... file 7114 Jul 27, 2015

Philosophical and theoretical debates in tourism must be situated not just within economic and cultural contexts, but also political and social ones (Ataljevic, Pritchard & Morgan, 2007). Tourism is more than an ‘industry,’ Freya Higgins...

Author: Amy Savener 

Year: 2015 

190 Think Tank XV Lifelong learning for guiding and interpretation file 3926 Jul 27, 2015

Scholarship on guiding and interpretation positions formal training as a central factor in guide instruction. Guide training operates in the area that mediates between personal characteristics, attitudes and knowledge of the guides and what ...

Author: Julia N. Albrecht & Trisha Dwyer 

Year: 2015 

189 Think Tank XV Can we eat it? Exploring the cultural challenges in ma... file 3412 Jul 27, 2015

Can we eat it? How did you stop the waves? Is there water in there? Where is the switch to turn it off? Will it eat me? These are just some of the many questions asked by visitors to uShaka Sea World in Durban, South Africa. While South Afri...

Author: Judy Mann & Roy Ballantyne & Jan Packer 

Year: 2015 

188 Think Tank XV The role of souvenir vendors in the cultural sustainab... file 3675 Jul 27, 2015

The research investigated the role of souvenir vendors in sustaining the social-cultural authenticity of Chichen Itza’s host community, a Mexican UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) (UNESCO, 2015a). The case study evaluated the Maya-descent ven...

Author: Ady Milman 

Year: 2015 

187 Think Tank XV Luxury and Sustainability in Tourism Accommodation – a... file 3698 Jul 27, 2015

This paper examines the relationship between luxury and sustainability in tourism using a case study of the Soneva Group, which has two luxurious eco resorts in Maldives and Thailand. The aim of this paper is to determine whether luxury and ...

Author: Derek Robbins & Justyna Gaczorek 

Year: 2015 

186 Think Tank XV The operational challenges of community-based tourism ... file 12969 Jul 27, 2015

Community-based tourism is increasingly being developed and promoted as a means of reducing poverty in developing countries assisting local communities to meet their needs through the offering of a tourism product. The Swaziland Tourism Auth...

Author: S. E. Lukhele & K. F. Mearns 

Year: 2015