


List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
82 Think Tank VIII Lifestyle Oriented Small Tourism [LOST] Firms in the F... file 5496 Oct 13, 2013

Lifestyle has been oft cited in the literature as the main motivation for those establishing or acquiring tourism related businesses in attractive destinations. However, the term has many different dimensions and connotations, both positive...

Author: Jack Carlsen & Alison Morrison 

Year: 2008 

81 Think Tank XII Sustainable Tourism: Is it better to travel or not to ... file 5491 Nov 06, 2013

Tourism’s growing contribution to climate change has come to the forefront of the sustainable tourism literature as evidenced by the Journal of Sustainable Tourism’s (JOST) 2010 publication of a special issue titled “Tourism: Adapting to Cli...

Author: B. Bynum Boley 

Year: 2012 

80 Think Tank VII Rural Adventure Tourism and Social Entrepreneurship file 5470 Oct 13, 2013

The intent of this research is to provide a comparative analysis of several innovative social entrepreneurial businesses operating within the realm of rural adventure tourism. This qualitative, case-based research explores six companies, wh...

Author: Christina Heyniger & Kristin Lamoureaux 

Year: 2007 

79 Think Tank IV Sustainability in a Mature Mass-Tourism Destination: T... file 5432 Oct 13, 2013

Most destinations are struggling to achieve sustainability for their economies, their environments, their cultures and their tourism industries. This laudatory, idealistic and complex process involves many sectors of the industry, the commun...

Author: Pauline Sheldon, John Knox & Kem Lowry 

Year: 2004 

78 Think Tank XII Controlling and Influencing Visitor Flow as a Basis fo... file 5420 Nov 06, 2013

Sustainable tourism at a destination is dependent on the maintenance and good management of its attractive assets. In non-urban areas, the assets will primarily be geological, natural and/or cultural, frequently of a sensitive nature, liable...

Author: David Ward-Perkins & Frédéric Dimanche 

Year: 2012 

77 Think Tank IV Sustainability and Mass Destinations: Challenges and P... file 5413 Oct 13, 2013

In year 2001, the Government of the Balearic Islands decided to establish a tourism tax, named "ecotax", as an important measure to achieve a more sustainable tourism model for the islands. This paper analyses the background of the ecotax, t...

Author: Antoni Serra Cantallops 

Year: 2004 

76 Think Tank X The Role of Knowledge-based Networks in Sustainable To... file 5399 Oct 14, 2013

In practice, tourism organisations tend to be more serious towards their financial viability and therefore undermine long-term socio-cultural and environmental consequences. In so doing they impede their own ability and that of the destinat...

Author: Ehsan Ahmed & Larry Dwyer 

Year: 2010 

75 Think Tank IV Possibilities for Sustainable Tourism Management in Ac... file 5387 Oct 13, 2013

Sustainability is an inevitable concept in tourism which heavily depends on natural resources and environment with its products and services. Here prevention and controlling water, air and noise pollution, habitat degradation is more importa...

Author: Meryem Atik, Türker Altan & A. Akin Aksu 

Year: 2004 

74 Think Tank XII Social and Economic Mobility: Expatriate Practises in ... file 5288 Nov 06, 2013

Bali has long been a tourist destination for Australian tourists and the Australian tourist market is an important one for Bali tourism. In the last two decades, increasingly Australian tourists have and are shifting their mobility practices...

Author: Gayle Jennings 

Year: 2012 

73 Think Tank VI Service Learning in Tourism Educational Programs – A S... file 5247 Oct 13, 2013

A problem in developing new tourism markets remains how to resource them from an existing employment base. Key questions arising are: Do current tourism enterprises have the existing skills to move into these new markets for sustainable tour...

Author: Susan Anita Briggs 

Year: 2006 

72 OPA award A Framework for Work-Life Balance Practices in the Tou... file 5225 Oct 13, 2013

This paper addresses the key issues surrounding the debate over work-life balance. It provides an overview of current thinking in the general work environment, with specific focus on the issue within the tourism industry. This paper present...

Author: Margaret Deery & Leo Jago 

Year: 2008 

OPA: 2008 Outstanding Paper Award Winner 

71 Think Tank VII Envisioning Sustainable Tourism Futures: An Evaluation... file 5225 Oct 13, 2013

Methods for researching the future have grown both in variety and rigour, offering new opportunities for understanding sustainable tourism. This paper discusses the value of futures research as a tool for envisioning and planning sustainable...

Author: Pierre Benckendorff 

Year: 2007 

OPA: 2007 Outstanding Paper Award Winner 

70 Think Tank IX The Role of Values in Sustainable Tourism Education file 5083 Oct 13, 2013

This presentation discusses the role of values in the context of sustainable tourism education. However, it does not seek to engage in the debate about the definition of Sustainable Tourism nor the differences between this concept and Sustai...

Author: Christian Schott 

Year: 2009 

69 Think Tank XII Civic Tourism, Environmental Art and Tourism Mobility:... file 5024 Nov 06, 2013

For several decades the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude have created and installed art all over the world. Their art projects are large scale, temporary, and outdoor-environment inspired, and usually involve woven fabric that is suspended ...

Author: Diane Gaede & James Gould 

Year: 2012 

68 Think Tank XIII Local Residents' Involvement in Rural Tourism: The Cas... file 4984 Nov 06, 2013

Community involvement is regarded as a significant factor for the development of rural tourism. In Malaysia, cooperatives are used as a catalyst to achieve community development through community involvement. This paper focuses on the involv...

Author: Uma Thevi Munikrishnan, Sushila Devi Rajaratnam, Paolo Mura & Vikneswaran Nair 

Year: 2013 

67 Think Tank XIV Local Networks as Sustainable Policy Instruments: A Ca... file 4945 Jun 27, 2014

In this case study, a communication network among local hotel managers was examined, first to assess the extent of communication among hotel managers, and second to identify influential members within the network. Communication with respect ...

Author: Karen Irene Thal & Tracy Burkett 

Year: 2014 

66 Think Tank XIII Tourism development led by the Third Sector - Impacts ... file 4926 Nov 06, 2013

Most tourism development is initiated and led by either the private or the public sector. These projects’ potential impacts on host communities have been explored since the 1980s, and they are now relatively well known. This is not the case ...

Author: Julia N. Albrecht & My N. D. Tran 

Year: 2013 

65 Think Tank XI Identifying Critical Issues in Designing Educational T... file 4908 Oct 14, 2013

Education is seen as an important way to contribute to development. The World Bank finances educational projects with large amounts of money every year because it is convinced that improving education can help alleviate poverty by raising i...

Author: Kerstin Freudenthaler & Anja Hergesell 

Year: 2011 

64 Think Tank XIV Leadership at the Nexus: Exploring the Connection betw... file 4896 Jun 26, 2014

The development of sustainable and competitive tourism destinations is contingent upon many factors including the creation of inclusive policy (Pforr, 2006), the development and implementation of strategic plans (Jordan, Vogt, Kruger, and Gr...

Author: Whitney Knollenberg & Nancy Gard McGehee 

Year: 2014 

63 Think Tank XII Enhancing Social Capital through Networking for Sustai... file 4881 Nov 06, 2013

Social capital has been recognised as a factor affecting sustainable development in every discipline. A network or a partnership is identified as a “structural” form of social capital and a tool to empower participants in the networks. There...

Author: Attama Nilnoppkun 

Year: 2012