


Author : Dorothea Dürkop & Sven Gross
School/Work Place : University of Applied Sciences Harz, Germany
Contact :
Year : 2012

An increasing number of destinations face the negative sides of tourism transport. Especially, the motorized (individual) traffic can cause ecological problems due to a risen traffic volume, noise and air pollution or its negative effects on the destination’s environmental quality. This is little surprising as for German leisure travellers the car is the most important means of transport for travelling to and within their holiday destination (Gross, 2011; BMBVS, 2011).

Nevertheless tourists show an increased environmental awareness and quality requirements which make an adequate development of tourism offers necessary. Thus, many destinations focus on “soft mobility” (Schindler, 1999).

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
314 Think Tank IV Evaluation of Tourism Events: A Critical Review with a... file 3012 Oct 13, 2013

This presentation will critically review the three main sources of error in tourism event evaluation, related to the limited temporal, geographic and economic scope of current event evaluation approaches. In doing so, it will draw the attent...

Author: Jack Carlsen 

Year: 2004 

313 Think Tank VII Social Responsibility and Innovation on Trafficking an... file 3087 Oct 13, 2013

Ethical questions related to globalization, human rights, unfair labor practices and trans-boundary exchanges of capital and work force create ever more complex challenges for the tourism sustainability agenda. In recent years, the tourism i...

Author: Camelia Tepelus 

Year: 2007 

312 Think Tank XVII Transit Tours for Airport Passengers – Issues and Chal... file 3117 Aug 17, 2017

Since the advent of liberalisation of the aviation industry in the late 1970s, many countries have adopted the liberal policy in air transport and entered bilateral air service agreements, often referred to as “open skies agreements” (OSAs),...

Author: Priscilla Chau Min Poon 

Year: 2017 

311 Think Tank XIV Exploring Youth Perspectives on Quality of Life and To... file 3243 Jun 26, 2014

The concept of Quality of Life (QoL) is implicit in conceptualisations of tourism, especially those used to develop and guide tourism policy and planning. At the individual level it is assumed that travel offers a number of different ways to...

Author: Anna Blackman, Gianna Moscardo, Andrea Schurmann & Laurie Murphy 

Year: 2014 

310 Think Tank V An Economic Explanation of the Net Benefits of Tourism... file 3260 Oct 13, 2013

International tourism is increasingly viewed as one of the best opportunities for a sustainable economic and social development of developing countries. There is also an increasing concern from public policy makers as to whether mass tourism...

Author: Mondher Sahli & Jean-Jacques Nowak 

Year: 2005 

309 Think Tank IX Ethical Confusion and Confusion of Ethics: Unpacking t... file 3270 Oct 13, 2013

For many decades authors (see Sontag, 1976, Baederholt, 2006, Chalfern, 1979, Crang, 1997) have recognised the fundamental role of photography within tourism. Many such as Urry (1999, 2002), Crouch (2000, 2002) and Crouch & Lubbren (200...

Author: Caroline Scarles 

Year: 2009 

308 Think Tank IX Recreation Specialisation and Destination Image: A cas... file 3272 Oct 13, 2013

Papua New Guinea (PNG) should be to Australia what Costa Rica and Belize are to the USA – a proximate and successful tourist destination that attracts sustainable numbers of tourists drawn to the extraordinary diversity of endemic wildlife,...

Author: Kevin Lyons, Kevin Markwell & Patricia Johnson 

Year: 2009 

307 Think Tank VII The Uptake of Innovation in Tourism Organisations: Bar... file 3321 Oct 13, 2013

Innovation is fundamental to any industry in its quest to realising its potential. The tourism industry is no different in this pursuit of excellence and innovation but, unlike many other industries, it is largely comprised of small busines...

Author: Leo Jago & Margaret Deery 

Year: 2007 

306 Think Tank IX Values: Dollars, trees or feelings? file 3321 Oct 13, 2013

The importance of values to tourism is but one aspect of the importance of values in human interactions with the natural environment and even more broadly to the human condition. However, attempts to understand the impact of values on behav...

Author: Denise Dillon 

Year: 2009 

305 Think Tank XIV Welcoming Chinese Visitors and the Easternization of t... file 3341 Jun 26, 2014

Tourism academics, practitioners, governments and agencies around the world are in general agreement about the future of tourism in what commentators have tagged The Asian Century. Assuming demographic and economic conditions persist, the in...

Author: Patricia C. Johnson 

Year: 2014 

304 Think Tank XIII Linking tourism with Sustainable Development in Post-R... file 3349 Nov 06, 2013

This paper examines relationships between tourism and sustainable development via a case study that took place in Egypt from September 2011 to March 2012. The study, hosted by the Planeterra Foundation and G Adventures travel and conducted t...

Author: Laura Carroll 

Year: 2013 

303 Think Tank VIII Managing Work/Life Balance Issues: An Examination of H... file 3404 Oct 13, 2013

The purpose of this study was to identify international human resource management best practice with regard to work/life balance policies and practices within an international hotel in Auckland, New Zealand. The methodology included an anal...

Author: Elizabeth Roberts, David Williamson & Carmen Cox 

Year: 2008 

» Think Tank XII Tourist Cards - Experiences with Soft Mobility in Germ... file 3414 Nov 06, 2013

An increasing number of destinations face the negative sides of tourism transport. Especially, the motorized (individual) traffic can cause ecological problems due to a risen traffic volume, noise and air pollution or its negative effects on...

Author: Dorothea Dürkop & Sven Gross 

Year: 2012 

301 Think Tank XII Ex Post Investigations of Tourist Consumptions and Env... file 3419 Nov 06, 2013

Progress towards a more sustainable future of tourism is conditioned by simultaneous improvements of the production and consumption of leisure. Consequently, efforts are done by companies (hotels, airlines, tour operators, etc), governmental...

Author: Adriana Budeanu 

Year: 2012 

300 Think Tank VIII A Tool for Improving the Sustainability of Tourism Ind... file 3447 Oct 13, 2013

The tourism industry’s interest in sustainable management has increased in exponential proportions over the past year. Substantial amounts of space in industry journals are devoted to issues such as sustainability, energy management, green b...

Author: Claudia Jurowski 

Year: 2008 

299 Think Tank XII Virtual Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism: Virtual Fi... file 3458 Nov 06, 2013

Due to the financial constraints on the part of the educational institution as well as the student, offsetting the GHG emissions generated by the fieldtrip is often not regarded as financially feasible, or subject to doubts about the integri...

Author: Christian Schott 

Year: 2012 

298 Think Tank VIII Will the Advent of a More Responsible Type of Tourism ... file 3470 Oct 13, 2013

‘Responsible’ tourism is all the rage nowadays. Parallel to the offer commercialized by specialized tour operators on the sustainable niche, traditional tour-operators have also begun to claim the sustainability of their offer. One can henc...

Author: Maud Tixier 

Year: 2008 

297 Think Tank V Communicating with Visitors During and After a Natural... file 3494 Oct 13, 2013

Tourism is often a significant component of a region or country’s economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being and a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tsunami, landslide, flood or bushfire may cause a range of impacts on the d...

Author: E. Kate Armstrong 

Year: 2005 

296 Think Tank XII It's how you get there: Developing a Transportation Mo... file 3506 Nov 06, 2013

This paper examines the impacts of alternative modes of transportation utilized for an international study course in Ecuador during two consecutive summers. The analysis includes the perceived value of the student participants in relation to...

Author: Kenneth Cohen & John Bowen 

Year: 2012 

295 Think Tank XI Use of Cases in an Ethical Teaching Resource for Touri... file 3540 Oct 14, 2013

Ethical problems are an integral part of all professions and academic disciplines (Clarkeburn, 2002). However, it is recognised that the increasing application of technology by students in research is not always matched by consideration of ...

Author: Carl Cater 

Year: 2011