214 |
Think Tank XIII
Linking tourism with Sustainable Development in Post-R...
3329 | Nov 06, 2013 |
This paper examines relationships between tourism and sustainable development via a case study that took place in Egypt from September 2011 to March 2012. The study, hosted by the Planeterra Foundation and G Adventures travel and conducted t...
Author: Laura Carroll
Year: 2013
213 |
Think Tank XIII
Building community capacity by developing regional bus...
5647 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Tourism is often proposed as a strategy for community development, especially in rural or remote regions where traditional industries, such as agriculture, are experiencing an economic downturn and there are limited alternative opportunities...
Author: Anna Blackman
Year: 2013
212 |
Think Tank XIII
Tourism development led by the Third Sector - Impacts ...
4855 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Most tourism development is initiated and led by either the private or the public sector. These projects’ potential impacts on host communities have been explored since the 1980s, and they are now relatively well known. This is not the case ...
Author: Julia N. Albrecht & My N. D. Tran
Year: 2013
211 |
Think Tank XIII
Conceptualising a Framework to Analyse the Factors Inf...
19608 | Nov 06, 2013 |
As the tourism industry continues to grow globally, sustainable tourism development has drawn interests among researchers, practitioners, governments and stakeholders. There are several studies on the local residents’ support for tourism, lo...
Author: Samuel Folorunso Adeyinka-Ojo, Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore & Vikneswaran Nair
Year: 2013
210 |
Think Tank XII
Are We Moving Towards Education for Sustainability? A ...
7772 | Nov 06, 2013 |
It is nearing the end of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) (United Nations, 2011), an awareness raising campaign which “seeks to mobilize the educational resources of the world to help create a mo...
Author: Erica Wilson, Tania von der Heidt, Geoffrey Lamberton & Dayle Morrison
Year: 2012
209 |
Think Tank XII
Controlling and Influencing Visitor Flow as a Basis fo...
5342 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Sustainable tourism at a destination is dependent on the maintenance and good management of its attractive assets. In non-urban areas, the assets will primarily be geological, natural and/or cultural, frequently of a sensitive nature, liable...
Author: David Ward-Perkins & Frédéric Dimanche
Year: 2012
208 |
Think Tank XII
Furthering the Understanding of the Slow Travel Phenom...
8927 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Slow travel is a relatively new concept. Originally this was a grass root movement, which now is becoming an interest area for scholars. The first organised networks and forums started to emerge approximately a decade ago. A slow travel webs...
Author: Tina Roenhovde Tiller
Year: 2012
207 |
Think Tank XII
Opportunities and Obstacles for Sustainable Tourism Mo...
6839 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Cross border destination management is characterized by some extra challenges: national, district or county interests, different administrative structures, a high impact of politics and policies, inequality of tourism infrastructures, power ...
Author: Tatjana Thimm
Year: 2012
206 |
Think Tank XII
The Climate Footprint of Nature-based Tourism - The ca...
20777 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Nature-based tourism is a form of travel that is often believed to lend itself more to sustainable development than other tourism segments. In fact, the concept of ecotourism – defined as nature tourism that is sustainable – was developed in...
Author: Wolfgang Strasdas
Year: 2012
205 |
Think Tank XII
Enhancing Stakeholders' Participation in Community-Bas...
17439 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Although the iconic floating markets in Thailand have been promoted both domestically and internationally, without a well-planned tourism initiative, virtually all of them have lost their authenticity. To preserve the culture of the Don-Mano...
Author: Nopparat Suthitakon, Sombat Karnjanakit & Suchart Taweepornpathomgul
Year: 2012
204 |
Think Tank XII
Intersecting Mobilities: Tourists with Vision Impairme...
5992 | Nov 06, 2013 |
While there has been a developing interest in mobilities amongst tourism scholars, the notion of immobilities has often been ignored. Yet, there are many people who do not participate in tourism or, if they do, only experience partial mobili...
Author: Jennifer Small
Year: 2012
203 |
Think Tank XII
Integrated Planning of Sustainable Tourism and Mobilit...
36151 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Emerging tourist market trends are pushing destinations to consider mobility an essential strategic component of sustainable tourism planning. Destination Management needs to use tourism mobility analysis systematically if it wants to seize ...
Author: Anna Scuttari, Maria Della Lucia & Umberto Martini
Year: 2012
OPA: 2012 Runner Up
202 |
Think Tank XII
Virtual Mobilities and Sustainable Tourism: Virtual Fi...
3415 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Due to the financial constraints on the part of the educational institution as well as the student, offsetting the GHG emissions generated by the fieldtrip is often not regarded as financially feasible, or subject to doubts about the integri...
Author: Christian Schott
Year: 2012
201 |
Think Tank XII
Causality Between Inbound Tourism and Economic Growth:...
6236 | Nov 06, 2013 |
This paper examines the existing studies of the relationship between inbound tourism and economic growth. After a brief discussion of general economic growth theory and the reasons why a positive causal relationship may exist between export ...
Author: Mondher Sahli & Simon Carey
Year: 2012
200 |
Think Tank XII
Slow Travellers - Who Are They, and What Motivates Them?
4200 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Tourism’s contribution to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is estimated to be around 5% and is forecast to grow rapidly, to around 16% of global emissions by 2020. Future strategies for mitigation must address the levels of demand for t...
Author: Derek Robbins & Jaedong Cho
Year: 2012
OPA: 2012 Outstanding Paper Award Winner
199 |
Think Tank XII
Residents' Perceptions on Event Impacts an Relocation ...
3833 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Social exchange theory and the mobility paradigm are used to understand residents’ perceptions on the impacts of the 2012 Olympic Games and their relocation intentions. Confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 212 residents of London city...
Author: Girish Prayag & Talia Alders
Year: 2012
198 |
Think Tank XII
A Global Tourism Geography - The Role of Transport
7154 | Nov 06, 2013 |
After decades of tourism research definitions and statistics of global tourism, flows are still not uniformly defined. A problem is that scholars, sector stakeholders and policy makers tend to have a biased image of the global tourism system...
Author: Paul Peeters & Martin Landré
Year: 2012
197 |
Think Tank XII
Unsustainable Travel Development: The Case of Aviation...
4012 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Considering the apparent importance of low-cost aviation, and its dramatic development, there is remarkably little research done about its consequences on European mobility. A few studies have mapped the development of networks (cf. Dobruszk...
Author: Jan Henrik Nilsson
Year: 2012
196 |
Think Tank XII
Enhancing Social Capital through Networking for Sustai...
4852 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Social capital has been recognised as a factor affecting sustainable development in every discipline. A network or a partnership is identified as a “structural” form of social capital and a tool to empower participants in the networks. There...
Author: Attama Nilnoppkun
Year: 2012
195 |
Think Tank XII
Blurred Boundaries: The Implications of New Tourism Mo...
11400 | Nov 06, 2013 |
“Tourism is traditionally treated as an escape from everyday life and tourism theory is concerned with extraordinary places. Tourism and everyday life are conceptualized as belonging to different ontological worlds.” (Larsen, 2008, p. 27). A...
Author: Laurie Murphy, Gianna Moscardo, Nancy McGehee & Elena Konovalov
Year: 2012