


List of Articles
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43 Think Tank XVI Volunteering and donations for biodiversity conservati... file 690 Jul 02, 2016

In 2010, the newly elected government of New Zealand, of neo-liberal orientation, has adopted its Business Growth Agenda. This has been implemented through a series of legal, policy and organizational changes, affecting the governance of th...

Author: Valentina Dinica 

Year: 2016 

42 Think Tank XVI Influencing sustainability through engagement in polic... file 1096 Jul 02, 2016

The ability of businesses to influence the sustainability of tourism development is generally examined from two standpoints: the regulatory frameworks requiring particular actions with respect to how business is carried out, or to clients; ...

Author: Valentina Dinica 

Year: 2016 

41 Think Tank XVI United we stand, divided we fall: Strategies for engag... file 945 Jul 02, 2016

Many tourism corporate responsibility programs require the support and/or compliance of guests or customers, yet little attention has been paid to the design of strategies to encourage this compliance. Research in the areas of tourist inter...

Author: Karen Hughes & Gianna Moscardo 

Year: 2016 

OPA: 2016 Outstanding Paper Award Winner 

40 Think Tank XVI Empowering communities and enabling conservation: Revi... file 1034 Jul 02, 2016

The Africa Foundation a non-profit organization was founded in 1992 when Conservation Corporation Africa (since renamed and rebranded to &Beyond) was founded in South Africa. A central principle of the Conservation Corporation, safari l...

Author: Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2016 

39 Think Tank XVI The Influences of Hotel Contexts on Tourist Behaviour.... file 962 Jul 02, 2016

Sustainability deals with the relation between people and their environment. The configuration of this connection and the communication between the two are decisive when talking about a socially acceptable, ecologically compatible and econo...

Author: Stefan Raich 

Year: 2016 

38 Think Tank XVI New approach on creating shared value in corporate soc... file 1359 Jul 02, 2016

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) to manage environmental, social and economic impacts has been widely researched in tourism. However, there is criticism of the lack of non-western, local perspectives in tourism planning and management,...

Author: Gabrielle McGinnis & Tamara Young & Mark Harvey 

Year: 2016 

37 Think Tank XVI In Search of a New Mindset to Underpin Tourism Develop... file 1309 Jul 02, 2016

Despite widespread recognition of the importance of all tourism stakeholders adopting sustainability attitudes and practices, with a huge descriptive and prescriptive literature highlighting ‘best practice’, things seem to be getting worse....

Author: Larry Dwyer & Verity Anne Greenwood 

Year: 2016 

36 Think Tank XVI Examining Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism: ... file 812 Jul 02, 2016

One of the biggest challenges facing the tourism industry and policy makers is the emerging and fast growing ‘sharing economy’. Keeping abreast of this, disruptive but potentially transformative phenomenon has been challenging for industry,...

Author: Stephen Wearing & Kevin Lyons 

Year: 2016 

35 Think Tank XVI Values, Sustainability and Destination Choice Decision... file 1602 Jul 02, 2016

The sustainability concept has become popular after it was first used in almost three decades ago in what is now a renowned report, Our Common Future by Brundtland’s World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED 1987). Although much...

Author: Ercan Sirakaya-Turk, Seyhmuz Baloglu & Haywantee Rumi Ramkissoon 

Year: 2016 

34 Think Tank XVI Challenges to attaining “Accessible Tourism for All” i... file 1750 Jul 02, 2016

Although the discussion on Accessible Tourism has increased in intensity over the past 20 years, and by now there are even a few examples of Good Practices being implemented, it nevertheless must be pointed out that this approach is not yet ...

Author: Andreas Kagermeier 

Year: 2016 

33 Think Tank XVI Analysing CSR Practices in Food Operations: A case stu... file 1668 Jul 02, 2016

Food consumption is seen by most tourists as an important part of their holiday and tourism often takes place in ecologically, socially and culturally sensitive destinations. Through food consumption, it is not only possible to support heal...

Author: Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Hannes Antonschmidt & Klaus-Peter Fritz 

Year: 2016 

32 Think Tank XVI Spirituality and corporate social responsibility in to... file 942 Jul 02, 2016

This ongoing study investigates the role of spirituality for corporate social responsibility (CSR) by tourism businesses in lesser developed countries and the implications this has at the destination level. While much of the world’s tourism...

Author: Alexandra Law, Putu Indah Rahmawati & Terry De Lacy 

Year: 2016 

31 Think Tank XVI eTraining for Sustainable Tourism: Investing in Skills... file 735 Jul 02, 2016

This proposed presentation examines the current state of “eTraining” opportunities (e.g. distance learning programs, online courses, live seminars) supporting professional skills development for tourism professionals, with a particular focu...

Author: Ayako Ezaki 

Year: 2016 

30 Think Tank XVI Assessing the sustainability reporting of a JSE compan... file 1867 Jul 02, 2016

The world is changing into a place where broader spectra of responsibilities are now being embraced. A significant realisation has grown throughout the world that the Earth’s natural resources are scarce. Industrialisation and economic grow...

Author: Candice Hunter & Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2016 

29 Think Tank XVI SWOT Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship in Enterprises file 2888 Jul 02, 2016

Social Enterprise is known as a non-profit action aiming social benefits. Social entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is social actions which create permanent and sustainable values by offering innovative perspectives to find solutions fors...

Author: Sema Alimoğlu Özkan & Ali Şükrü Çetinkaya 

Year: 2016 

28 Think Tank XVI CSR in Medical Toursim – new markets, new responsibili... file 4166 Jul 02, 2016

Governments, hospitals, clinics and facilitators go about their business of marketing health tourism to international patients and their relatives. While they focus on making money researchers should ask questions about changes raised by th...

Author: Kerstin Heuwinkel 

Year: 2016 

27 Think Tank XVI The moderating role of values in planned behaviour: th... file 678 Jul 02, 2016

In the past five years, we (a group of researchers from the Leeds Becket University and the Open University of Catalonia) have been working on different studies about the CSR motivations, barriers and practices in tourism small and medium e...

Author: Lluís Garay, Xavier Font & August Francesc Corrons 

Year: 2016 

26 Think Tank XVI Can Tourism Businesses Foster Better Inclusion for Peo... file 630 Jul 02, 2016

It is difficult to deny that despite its increased popularity, the concept of social entrepreneurship has not received a clearer understanding in a theoretical context. Zahra, Gedajlovic, Neubaum, and Shulman (2009) list 20 definitions of s...

Author: Kristof Tomej 

Year: 2016 

25 Think Tank XVI Adoption and diffusion of sustainability in tourism an... file 2227 Jul 02, 2016

This study explores why family firms adopt social and ecological policies that go beyond regulations, which includes hard (e.g., law; Berrone et al., 2010) or soft (e.g., certificates; Rivera, 2002) regulations. To accomplish this, the stud...

Author: Johanna Zanon, Andreas Kallmuenzer, William Nikolakis & Mike Peters 

Year: 2016 

24 Think Tank XVI Reaching the hard to reach: CSR and employee engagemen... file 902 Jul 02, 2016

As the duties and behaviour of organizations within the tourism industry evolve to accommodate expectations of pro-sustainable business change, so too does the role and responsibility of employees within these organisations. As key actors i...

Author: Kelsy Hejjas, Caroline Scarles & Graham Miller 

Year: 2016