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Think Tank XV
The role of souvenir vendors in the cultural sustainab...
3880 | Jul 27, 2015 |
The research investigated the role of souvenir vendors in sustaining the social-cultural authenticity of Chichen Itza’s host community, a Mexican UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) (UNESCO, 2015a). The case study evaluated the Maya-descent ven...
Author: Ady Milman
Year: 2015
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Think Tank XIII
Tourism development led by the Third Sector - Impacts ...
4928 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Most tourism development is initiated and led by either the private or the public sector. These projects’ potential impacts on host communities have been explored since the 1980s, and they are now relatively well known. This is not the case ...
Author: Julia N. Albrecht & My N. D. Tran
Year: 2013
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Think Tank XIII
Local Residents' Involvement in Rural Tourism: The Cas...
4986 | Nov 06, 2013 |
Community involvement is regarded as a significant factor for the development of rural tourism. In Malaysia, cooperatives are used as a catalyst to achieve community development through community involvement. This paper focuses on the involv...
Author: Uma Thevi Munikrishnan, Sushila Devi Rajaratnam, Paolo Mura & Vikneswaran Nair
Year: 2013
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Think Tank VII
Volunteer Tourism: Sustainable Innovation in Tourism, ...
6828 | Oct 13, 2013 |
This is a study of the relationships between two volunteer tourism host communities and the volunteer tourists who visit them. One is a declining rural community located in the Appalachian mountains of the United States. The other is in a ra...
Author: Nancy McGehee
Year: 2007