


Author : Sven-Olaf Gerdt, Elisa Wagner & Gerhard Schewe
School/Work Place : Centre for Management, University of Münster, Germany
Contact :
Year : 2018

Keywords: green marketing, sustainability engagement, small / owner-managed hotels 

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
7 Think Tank XVIII What to communicate about sustainability actions of Fi... file 16028 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: sustainability, responsibility, marketing, communication, Finland, villa holiday

Author: Katja Pasanen 

Year: 2018 

6 Think Tank XVIII Sustainable Experience: Innovative sustainable communi... file 4241 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: Customer Experience, Sustainable Marketing, CSR, Communication, Hospitality Management

Author: Annkathrin Weiss & Matthias Straub 

Year: 2018 

5 Think Tank XVIII Persuasive communication: an experiment on hotel guest... file 2106 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: personal values, smart water-saving technology, community-based social marketing, science communication, pro-environmental behaviour, field experiment.

Author: Pablo Pereira-Doel, Xavier Font & Candice Howarth 

Year: 2018 

» Think Tank XVIII Communication of Sustainability Efforts in the Hospita... file 1861 Jan 07, 2019

Keywords: green marketing, sustainability engagement, small / owner-managed hotels

Author: Sven-Olaf Gerdt, Elisa Wagner & Gerhard Schewe 

Year: 2018 

3 Think Tank XVIII The role of research-based evidence in destination mar... file 1765 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: marketing, research-based evidence, partnership, rural tourism, city tourism, sustainability

Author: Yukari Higuchi, Yasuhiro Yamanaka & Hiroaki Hoshi 

Year: 2018 

2 Think Tank XVIII Resilience thinking used as a sustainable tourism mark... file 1578 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: protected areas, resilience thinking, sustainability, marketing, tool

Author: Claire Louisa Fordred & Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2018 

1 Think Tank XVIII The role of tourism associations in supporting sustain... file 1383 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: tourism association, inclusive development, tourism marketing

Author: Niki Glen & Kevin Mearns 

Year: 2018