


List of Articles
No. Subject Datesort
5 BESTEN case studies Early BEST Case Studies file Oct 10, 2013

Early BEST Case Studies Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel, an initiative of The Conference Board in association with the World Travel and Tourism Council, developed a series of case study publications. These highlight successful business practices utilized by travel and ...

Author: Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel (BEST) 

4 BESTEN case studies Innovation for Sustainable Tourism Case Studies file Oct 13, 2013

Introduction to the Case Studies BEST EN TTVII hosted an industry forum facilitated by BEST EN Committee Member, Dr. Deborah Edwards in which three local practitioners from Arizona described their sustainable tourism products, how they deal with the barriers to innovation and how ...

Author: Jack Carlson & Deborah Edwards 

Section: Industry Forum Case 

Think Tank Topic: Innovation for Sustainable Tourism 

3 BESTEN case studies Tasting Arizona file Oct 13, 2013

Case 1: Tasting Arizona Tasting Arizona is a consortium of tourism, non-government, indigenous, farming, education, community, festival and food organizations that aim to provide ‘local flavor’ to customers in Arizona (see Table 1). Tasting Arizona began as a series of workshops h...

Author: Jack Carlson & Deborah Edwards 

Section: Industry Forum Case 

Think Tank Topic: Innovation for Sustainable Tourism 

2 BESTEN case studies Diablo Canyon Rural Planning Area file Oct 13, 2013

Case 2: Diablo Canyon Rural Planning Area Diablo Trust is a land management team that was initiated in 1993 by two farming families the Metzgers and the Prossers to provide a forum for the community to actively participate in land stewardship. The Diablo Trust is an innovative app...

Author: Jack Carlson & Deborah Edwards 

Section: Industry Forum Case 

Think Tank Topic: Innovation for Sustainable Tourism 

1 BESTEN case studies Xanterra LLC: You Can't Save What Measure... Corporate Envir... file Oct 13, 2013

Case 3: Xanterra LLC: You Can't Save What Measure...Corporate Environmental Sustainability Xanterra is the USA’s largest national park concessioner, operating hotels, lodges, restaurants, retail, campgrounds and transportation systems in more than 20 locations, including: Grand Ca...

Author: Jack Carlson & Deborah Edwards 

Section: Industry Forum Case 

Think Tank Topic: Innovation for Sustainable Tourism