


Author : Jack Carlsen, Janne J. Liburd, Deborah Edwards & Paddy Forde (Eds.)
Year : 2008
Publication : ISBN 978-0-9803860-3-5


Innovation is the key to responding to the future challenges that confront all sectors of society and the economy, and especially in tourism. Within tourism, there are numerous corporations and destinations around the world that are responding to the ecological, social and economic challenges and making the transformation toward sustainability through innovation. This book assembles ten case studies of large and small enterprises and destinations in developed and developing nations that are pursuing innovative practices that will enhance the sustainability of their operations.

The chapters in this volume are based on primary and secondary research by the contributing authors and each chapter has been peer reviewed prior to publication. Cross-case analysis (Patton 1990) was also used to provide a framework for comparing and contrasting the different types and contexts of innovation and provide for an integrated overview of the drivers, barriers, processes and networks for innovation.

The cases have been prepared for use in research and teaching of innovation, and the analysis and case notes are both designed to facilitate discussion and further investigation of innovation, not only in tourism, but in other economic sectors as well.

Being an online publication, it is expected that updates in successive editions of this first book will add further to the description and analysis of innovation for sustainable tourism and hence provide a resource for those seeking to enhance the teaching, research and practice of innovation.

Jack Carlsen, Janne Liburd, Deborah Edwards and Paddy Forde, Editors.

Citation information

BEST Education Network
University of Southern Denmark.
Niels Bohrs Vej 9-10. DK-6700 Esbjerg. Denmark.
© BEST EN 2008. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owners.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the University of Technology Sydney Library

ISBN 978-0-9803860-3-5

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Overview of Innovation for Sustainable Tourism
Jack Carlsen, Janne Liburd, Deborah Edwards and Paddy Forde

Chapter 2 Scandic Hotels, Scandinavia
Paulina Bohdanowicz

Chapter 3 Ecocean, Western Australia
Michael Hughes

Chapter 4 Xanterra LLC, Denver, Colorado, USA
Jack Carlsen and Deborah Edwards

Chapter 5 Tasting Arizona, Arizona, USA
Jack Carlsen and Deborah Edwards

Chapter 6 The Diablo Trust, Northern Arizona, USA
Jack Carlsen and Deborah Edwards

Chapter 7 EDDA, Denmark
Anja Hergesell, Janne Liburd and Jane Hansen

Chapter 8 Brenu Beach Resort, Ghana
Michael Kweku Commeh and Nico Schulenkorf

Chapter 9 A.G.S.E.P., Sri Lanka
Nico Schulenkorf

Chapter 10 The Sustainable Tourism Laboratory, Blackstone Valley, Rhode Island, USA
Larry Quick

Chapter 11 Wenhai Ecolodge, Northwest Yunnan, China
Ginger Smith and Jiayi Du

Chapter 12 Summary and Analysis
Jack Carlsen, Janne Liburd, Deborah Edwards and Paddy Forde

Chapter 13 Learning from case notes
Paddy Forde

Innovations in Sustainable Tourism - All Chapters

List of Articles
No. Subject Datesort
5 Chapter 8: The BEST Education Network file Dec 20, 2013

The chapter on the BEST Education Network has been published in: Liburd, Janne J. (2013). Towards the Collaborative University. Lessons from Tourism Education and Research.Professorial Dissertation. Odense: Print & Sign, University of Southern Denmark, pp. 217-242. This case ...

Author: Janne J. Liburd 

Year: 2013 

Publication: Professional Dissertation 

4 Networks for Innovation in Sustainable Tourism: Case Studies... file Oct 14, 2013

About the Book Innovation is key to responding to the future challenges that confront all sectors of society and the economy. Within tourism, there are numerous corporations and destinations around the world that are responding to the challenges posed by ecological, social, cultur...

Author: Janne J Liburd, Jack Carlsen & Deborah Edwards (Editors) 

Year: 2013 

Publication: ISBN: 9780734611512 / 978-0-7346-1151-2 

3 International Cases In Sustainable Travel & Tourism file Oct 14, 2013

About the Book Case studies are an indispensable learning tool, not only in the classroom but also in academic research, consultancy and practical business management contexts. Case studies present real situations, allowing a balance of theory and practice. They have the power to ...

Author: Pierre Benckendorff & Dagmar Lund-Durlacher (Editors) 

Year: 2013 

Publication: ISBN: 978-1-908999-40-5 

2 Understanding the Sustainable Development of Tourism file Oct 14, 2013

About the Book It is vital to provide the tourism managers of tomorrow with an explicit understanding and the capability to affect creative and innovative solutions for the sustainable development of tourism. Understanding the Sustainable Development of Tourism takes the view that...

Author: Janne J. Liburd, Deborah Edwards 

Year: 2010 

Publication: ISBN: 978-1-906884-13-0 

» Innovations for Sustainable Tourism: International Case Studies file Oct 13, 2013

Preface Innovation is the key to responding to the future challenges that confront all sectors of society and the economy, and especially in tourism. Within tourism, there are numerous corporations and destinations around the world that are responding to the ecological, social and...

Author: Jack Carlsen, Janne J. Liburd, Deborah Edwards & Paddy Forde (Eds.) 

Year: 2008 

Publication: ISBN 978-0-9803860-3-5