


BEST EN provides free teaching modules on sustainable tourism generated by BEST EN. The course material is open to educators, students and the industry to learn and collaborate for sustainable tourism education in the INNOTOUR platform. Each of the individual tutorials is comprised of a video, slides, literature and case study suggestions as well as students assignments aimed at the bachelor level. A blogging function is provided for feedback and commentary. The tutorials are created by scholars associated with BEST EN.

List of Articles
No. Subject Date
1 Policy, Politics and Governance through Stakeholder Values Oct 02, 2014

Dr. Stephen Wearing and Dr. Paul Chatterton examine some of the progress being made by REDD+ and examine how in other work in Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) there have been failures in implementing the on ground projects. They discuss what might be learned and how it might be i...

Author: Stephen Wearing & Paul Chatterton 

Think Tank Topic: Politics, Policy and Governance in Sustainable Tourism 

Year: 2014