


BEST EN provides free teaching modules on sustainable tourism generated by BEST EN. The course material is open to educators, students and the industry to learn and collaborate for sustainable tourism education in the INNOTOUR platform. Each of the individual tutorials is comprised of a video, slides, literature and case study suggestions as well as students assignments aimed at the bachelor level. A blogging function is provided for feedback and commentary. The tutorials are created by scholars associated with BEST EN.

Author : Kristof Tomej
School/Work Place : MODUL University, Vienna
Think Tank Topic : Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products”
Year : 2018
List of Articles
No. Subject Datesort
13 Local Networks as Sustainable Policy Instruments in Charlest... Oct 02, 2014

In the context of the city of Charleston, South Carolina (USA) Karen examines the potential for communication network to serve as a policy instrument. The communication network among local hotel managers is defined, which extend city sponsored programs to encourage sustainable pra...

Author: Karen Irene Thal 

Think Tank Topic: Politics, Policy and Governance in Sustainable Tourism 

Year: 2014 

12 Bird-watching Routes as Collaborative Stakeholdership Oct 02, 2014

This lecture provides a quick overview of bird-watching tourism, including the size and scope of the activity and associated product development. Bird-watching routes have become a viable development option for the establishment of birding tourism as they promote stakeholder colla...

Author: Krisztian Vas 

Think Tank Topic: Politics, Policy and Governance in Sustainable Tourism 

Year: 2014 

11 Tourism, Communities and Poverty Alleviation: Searching for ... Jan 12, 2016

Professor Jarkko Saarinen discusses issues of governance and governmentality as relevant in the implementation of sustainable tourism and poverty alleviation.

Author: Jarkko Saarinen 

Think Tank Topic: The Environment-People Nexus in Sustainable Tourism 

Year: 2015 

10 Luxury and sustainability in tourism accommodation Jan 12, 2016

Dr Derek Robbins explains the importance of the business model in negotiating sustainability in luxury accommodation as well as identifying irremediable remaining conflicts.

Author: Derek Robbins 

Think Tank Topic: The Environment-People Nexus in Sustainable Tourism 

Year: 2015 

9 Tourists’ attitude towards and willingness to pay for eco-la... file Aug 01, 2016

Author: Isabel Lissner 

Think Tank Topic: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Practices, Standards and Policies 

Year: 2016 

8 Sustainable Food on holidays file Aug 01, 2016

Author: Klaus Fritz, Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Hannes Antonschmidt 

Think Tank Topic: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Practices, Standards and Policies 

Year: 2016 

7 Disabilities and socially inclusive participation in tourism file Aug 02, 2016

Author: Kristof Tomej 

Think Tank Topic: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Practices, Standards and Policies 

Year: 2016 

6 United we stand, divided we fall: Strategies for Engaging To... file Aug 02, 2016

Author: Karen Hughes & Gianna Moscardo 

Think Tank Topic: Corporate Responsibility in Tourism – Practices, Standards and Policies 

Year: 2016 

5 The Great Barrier Reef - Current threats and solutions file Jul 07, 2018

Click to download PowerPoint presentation

Author: Karen Hofman 

Think Tank Topic: Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products” 

Year: 2018 

4 Defining small accommodation establishments – Employing usef... file Jul 07, 2018

Click here to download PowerPoint presentation

Author: Dr Niki Glen 

Think Tank Topic: Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products” 

Year: 2018 

» Socially inclusive holidays with sighted guiding: Motivation... file Jul 07, 2018

Click here to download PowerPoint presentation

Author: Kristof Tomej 

Think Tank Topic: Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products” 

Year: 2018 

2 Managing open rock art sites for tourism Jul 07, 2018

Author: Claire Fordred 

Think Tank Topic: Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products” 

Year: 2018 

1 Marketing sustainable tourism products - what tourism does w... file Jul 09, 2018

Click to download PowerPoint presentation

Author: Rachel Dodds 

Think Tank Topic: Think Tank XVIII “Marketing of sustainable tourism products” 

Year: 2018