


Author : Jack Carlsen & Scott Heckbert
School/Work Place : Curting Sustainable Tourism Centre, Australia (Jack Carlsen), Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Canada (Scott Heckbert)
Contact :
Year : 2012

The aim of this working paper is to demonstrate an interactive, real-time, transparent and dynamic approach to modelling tourism mobilities using agent-based simulation models [ABM]. ABM has previously been employed in studying organizational change, but has not been applied to tourism mobilities (Smallman and Moore, 2010), despite its capacity to accommodate economic, social and environmental conditions in both the tourist generating and destination countries that impact on travel decisions and tourism mobility.

Furthermore tourist market segments can no longer be considered as homogenous groups that make their travel decisions in a vacuum, influenced solely by marketing messages or travel agents. Clearly in a more connected and dynamic world, a greater range of information and choices are available and a higher number of variables influence those choices. Moreover, tourists interact with each other through social networks and other communication channels, that then inform destination choice and mobility. ABM is able to capture this information sharing and interaction between potential tourists and those that have recently visited a destination, as well as the influence of all other forms of social media and travel advice that is increasingly available.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
3 Think Tank XII Understanding Tourism Flows and Patterns: A Case Study... file 4193 Nov 06, 2013

This paper reports on the outcomes of two collaborative research projects, conducted in conjunction with destination management authorities. The projects used GPS tracking devices to find out how various kinds of visitors moved around two Au...

Author: Deborah Edwards & Tony Griffin 

Year: 2012 

2 Think Tank XII Does Migration Have a Bigger Impact on VFR than Total ... file 3941 Nov 06, 2013

As an important global market by purpose of travel, visiting friends and relatives, VFR, is closely associated with the history and development of international migration patterns which are a more permanent form of travel. Further, the impor...

Author: Larry Dwyer, Neelu Seetaram, Peter Forsyth & Brian King 

Year: 2012 

» Think Tank XII Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Tourism Flows:... file 3366 Nov 06, 2013

The aim of this working paper is to demonstrate an interactive, real-time, transparent and dynamic approach to modelling tourism mobilities using agent-based simulation models [ABM]. ABM has previously been employed in studying organizationa...

Author: Jack Carlsen & Scott Heckbert 

Year: 2012