


Author : Mojca Arsenijevic & Marko Bohanec
School/Work Place : University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia (Mojca Arsenijevic), Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia (Marko Bohanec)
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Year : 2008

In this paper we take the standpoint that environmental education and ecotourism are highly related and depend on each other, and that ecotourism cannot be achieved without proper environmental education. Furthermore, in order to achieve quality ecotourism, a proper management strategy and regime has to be designed and implemented. The management strategy involves a number of crucial decision questions, for example as how to: (a) imply best biodiversity conservation actions, (b) balance natural resource exploitation, (c) arrange and manage the infrastructure, (d) achieve simultaneously the locals assistance and tourists satisfaction, (e) substitute the lack of finances? Among these questions, we specifically address the problem of infrastructure management in protected mountain regions. We present a case study based on mountain huts in Slovenian Alps, for which we developed a decision support system. The system carries out an assessment of the current state-of-the-art and proposes possible management strategy improvements.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
» Think Tank VIII Environmental Education and Ecotourism: A Case Study o... file 8928 Oct 13, 2013

In this paper we take the standpoint that environmental education and ecotourism are highly related and depend on each other, and that ecotourism cannot be achieved without proper environmental education. Furthermore, in order to achieve qu...

Author: Mojca Arsenijevic & Marko Bohanec 

Year: 2008 

1 Think Tank VI Ecotourism and Environmental Education: Opportunities ... file 154400 Oct 13, 2013

Ecotourism, which typically involves nature-based tourism, plays an increasing role in today's environmental management. As environmental conservation has, in many cases, suffered from a limited budget, funding ecotourism is perceived as a w...

Author: Aphirom Promchanya 

Year: 2006