


Author : Janne J. Liburd & Anja Hergesell
School/Work Place : University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Contact :
Year : 2008

The Wadden Sea Festival in Denmark is based on the idea of integrating the coastal environment in the presentation of contemporary art. Specifically, unique tidal differences are utilized to stage a range of performances. The Wadden Sea Festival serves a dual purpose of enhancing local residents’ sense of place and identity while also attracting visitors to the region. Furthermore, the festival is designed to create regional, national and international liaisons between artists and cultural institutions to improve the cultural attractiveness, hence fostering product and institutional innovations. The present research recognizes the articulated aims of the festival and investigates how a cultural event influences participants’ quality of life (QOL). The study adopts a twofold approach to examine organizers’ expectations as well as the impacts on participants’ short-term subjective well being. The article sets out to probe how a cultural event may enhance QOL and identifies possible drivers in the process.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Date
» Think Tank VIII Enhancing the Quality of Life through Cultural Events:... file 103954 Oct 13, 2013

The Wadden Sea Festival in Denmark is based on the idea of integrating the coastal environment in the presentation of contemporary art. Specifically, unique tidal differences are utilized to stage a range of performances. The Wadden Sea Fest...

Author: Janne J. Liburd & Anja Hergesell 

Year: 2008 

2 Think Tank VIII A Conceptual Ex Ante Framework for the Strategic Study... file 9988 Oct 13, 2013

The area of sport event tourism has been growing over the last years, which led to an increasing amount of research that has analysed both the economic and social impacts of sport events. Whereas a substantial amount of ex post assessment fr...

Author: Nico Schulenkorf 

Year: 2008 

OPA: 2008 Runner Up 

1 Think Tank VII A Community of Heroes file 2917 Oct 13, 2013

Sense of place is the human response to natural and built surroundings, geography, history and population. Over time, that response evolves into a shared consciousness, woven by memory, story and experience. Distinct from written history, th...

Author: Regina Binder 

Year: 2007