


Author : Turgut Var, Erhan Ada, Gökce Ozdemir & Deniz Hasirci
School/Work Place : Izmir University of Economics, Turkey (Turgut Var, Erhan Ada, Deniz Hasirci), Yasar University, Turkey (Gökce Ozdemir)
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Year : 2008

Quality of life studies are usually either objective or subjective in nature. Objective quality of life studies concentrate on social indicators whereas subjective quality of life studies attempt to assess the perceived satisfaction that individuals report experiencing in their lives. The assessment of efforts to enhance the quality of life in Mordogan in terms of social indicators; decreasing unemployment rate and poverty of local people will be the focal point of the study.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
» Think Tank VIII An Assessment of Efforts to Enhance the Quality of Lif... file 3797 Oct 13, 2013

Quality of life studies are usually either objective or subjective in nature. Objective quality of life studies concentrate on social indicators whereas subjective quality of life studies attempt to assess the perceived satisfaction that in...

Author: Turgut Var, Erhan Ada, Gökce Ozdemir & Deniz Hasirci 

Year: 2008 

1 Think Tank VI Service Learning in Tourism Educational Programs – A S... file 4253 Oct 13, 2013

A problem in developing new tourism markets remains how to resource them from an existing employment base. Key questions arising are: Do current tourism enterprises have the existing skills to move into these new markets for sustainable tour...

Author: Susan Anita Briggs 

Year: 2006