


Author : Laurie Murphy, Gianna Moscardo & Anna Blackman
School/Work Place : James Cook University, Australia
Contact :
Year : 2014

The purpose of this paper is to review the barriers to sustainable tourism development faced by rural and developing regions and to explore the notion of tourism and its potential contribution to community well-being, with a focus on Flora’s community capitals framework. A description is provided of a case study focusing on the development of agri-tourism in the Can Tho region of the Mekong Delta. The results of the initial stages of a mixed method approach to the application of a community well- being framework to tourism development are presented. It will conclude by identifying the challenges of applying models of tourism conceptualised in developed western economies in a developing economy with a socialist republic political regime. In particular, implications for tourism development policy, planning and education to support more sustainable approaches in tourism governance and development are highlighted.

List of Articles
No. Subject Views Datesort
2 Think Tank XVIII Community participation and stakeholder engagement in ... file 3537 Jan 07, 2019

Keywords: natural resource management, community participation, stakeholder engagement, co-creation, sustainable tourism, Networks of Reserves.

Author: Umberto Martini, Federica Buffa, Sandra Notaro, Nicola Zeni & Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi 

Year: 2018 

1 Think Tank XVIII Connecting through Stories: Adapting Communication to ... file 1351 Jan 07, 2019

Key words: story-telling, landscapes, interpretation, sustainable tourism experiences

Author: Gianna Moscardo & Karen Hughes 

Year: 2018