


Author : Mariangela Franch, Umberto Martini, Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi, Federica Buffa, Pietro Marzani & Maria Della Lucia
School/Work Place : University of Trento, Italy
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Year : 2004
OPA : 2004 Runner Up

The aim of this paper is to highlight the impact of mass-ski tourism on the environment in the Dolomites (Italian Alps), where in winter the principal activities are snow sports. In implementing this development model the Dolomite region has achieved measurable results in terms of numbers of tourists and economic development for entire localities. Nonetheless some weaknesses in such model have come to light in terms of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The eTourism research group has carried out two field projects with a view to understanding the importance of the variable "quality of environment" for the winter tourist when deciding on a destination and similarly, how the major actors on the offering side approach local environmental issues. The results were used to form some hypotheses regarding possible alternatives to the mass-ski model of development for new or developing destinations within the region.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
» Think Tank IV Mass-ski Tourism in the Dolomites and Sustainability: ... file 3924 Oct 13, 2013

The aim of this paper is to highlight the impact of mass-ski tourism on the environment in the Dolomites (Italian Alps), where in winter the principal activities are snow sports. In implementing this development model the Dolomite region has...

Author: Mariangela Franch, Umberto Martini, Pier Luigi Novi Inverardi, Federica Buffa, Pietro Marzani & Maria Della Lucia 

Year: 2004 

OPA: 2004 Runner Up