


Author : Jack Carlsen
School/Work Place : Curtin University, Australia
Contact :
Year : 2005
OPA : 2005 Outstanding Paper Award Winner

This paper describes the application of lessons and processes gleaned from previous crises and disasters to the tourism recovery process for the Maldives following the tsunami of December 26 th , 2004. An assessment of existing literature as well as the physical and financial impact of the tsunami based on primary and secondary sources was used as the basis for developing a tourism recovery strategy. The work was facilitated by the Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) during January and February, 2005 at a critical point in the recovery process. Key stakeholders in the Maldives tourism industry, including Government representatives, report operators and private firms were interviewed and recovery strategies were proposed in a workshop and subsequent report to MATI.

List of Articles
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» OPA award Crisis Communications and Tourism Recovery Strategies ... file 7481 Oct 13, 2013

This paper describes the application of lessons and processes gleaned from previous crises and disasters to the tourism recovery process for the Maldives following the tsunami of December 26 th , 2004. An assessment of existing literature as...

Author: Jack Carlsen 

Year: 2005 

OPA: 2005 Outstanding Paper Award Winner