


Author : Uma Thevi Munikrishnan, Sushila Devi Rajaratnam, Paolo Mura & Vikneswaran Nair
School/Work Place : Taylor's University, Malaysia
Contact :
Year : 2013

Community involvement is regarded as a significant factor for the development of rural tourism. In Malaysia, cooperatives are used as a catalyst to achieve community development through community involvement. This paper focuses on the involvement of the local residents in Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia in tourism through the establishment of a community based cooperative (KOPEL). The literature reveals a low level of community participation specifically in developing countries. Hence, an in-depth analysis of the local residents’ involvement in KOPEL’s tourism activities and its impacts is deemed relevant. This paper examines the extent of participation of the local residents in tourism development by addressing two research questions: how are the local residents involved in the tourism projects and products initiated by KOPEL; what are the impacts of rural tourism on the local residents? A qualitative methodology was employed to address the research questions. Overall, a significant level of involvement in tourism activities is demonstrated by the local residents. The findings are themed into four categories: (1) planning and empowerment, (2) awareness and training, (3) collaboration with other stakeholders and (4) impacts of rural tourism.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
» Think Tank XIII Local Residents' Involvement in Rural Tourism: The Cas... file 4703 Nov 06, 2013

Community involvement is regarded as a significant factor for the development of rural tourism. In Malaysia, cooperatives are used as a catalyst to achieve community development through community involvement. This paper focuses on the involv...

Author: Uma Thevi Munikrishnan, Sushila Devi Rajaratnam, Paolo Mura & Vikneswaran Nair 

Year: 2013 

1 Think Tank XIII Assessing the Impact of Rural Tourism Development on t... file 6911 Nov 06, 2013

Past literature has posited that tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors and has been signified as an attractive investment proposition. Rural tourism sector has been actively promoted by the Malaysian government and currently, it is c...

Author: May-Chiun Lo, Vikneswaran Nair, Peter Songan & Helen Lee HuiHui 

Year: 2013