


Author : Tazim Jamal & Dianne Dredge
School/Work Place : Texas A&M University, USA (Tazim Jamal), Southern Cross University, Australia (Dianne Dredge)
Contact :
Year : 2010

A traditional and widely held view is that a sustainable approach to destination planning and management ideally requires that marketing and product development are undertaken in an integrated manner. However, if we take just two activities to demonstrate our point, “destination marketing” and “product development” are often conducted by very different organizations located within and outside the tourism destination, at different times, and by different stakeholders with different agendas, values and ideas. This co-ordination problem has been recognized by several authors, referring specifically to the gap between destination marketing activities and tourism planning (i.e. the “marketing-planning gap”). Jamal and Jamrozy (2006), among others, have argued that this gap would need to be bridged in any effort to achieve an integrated and sustainable tourism destination. The messy world of policy, driven largely by critical and social constructionist analyses of policy-making (Provan & Kenis, 2008) and the realization that politics cannot be separated from policy (Bell, 2004), have inspired research that has sought more nuanced understandings of the relational characteristics of stakeholders (Healey, 2006) and governance structures and capacities (de Leon & Varda, 2009). The emergence of network analysis in addition to stakeholder collaboration research offer new avenues for examining this “gap”. Undertaking this challenge in our paper also enables us to explore the under-studied relationship between networks and collaborations in sustainable destination management.

List of Articles
No. Subject Viewssort Date
7 Think Tank X Rather Together? Network Effects among Students file 11889 Oct 13, 2013

Being faced with global trends that challenge the way tourism is conducted at present (Dwyer, Edwards, Mistilis, Roman and Scott, 2009; Dwyer, Edwards, Mistilis, Scott, Roman and C., 2008), educators worldwide have recognized the need to ad...

Author: Florian Aubke, Ivo Ponocny & Anja Hergesell 

Year: 2010 

6 Think Tank X Cultural-Touristic Network Altenkirchen – Perspective ... file 7689 Oct 13, 2013

Altenkirchen is situated in Westerwald/Raiffeisen region of Germany (between the cities of Bonn, Cologne, Mainz and Wiesbaden) and in addition to the 7,000 city inhabitants includes 42 municipalities with a further 24,000 people. It is a ci...

Author: Sanja Zerlauth & Dietmar Wiegand 

Year: 2010 

5 Think Tank X Implementing Networks of the New Zealand Tourism Strat... file 6836 Oct 13, 2013

The areas of tourism planning and strategy are frequently at the focus of academic enquiry; however, the implementation of the planning results is not. The small number of existing studies suggests that many difficulties associated with pla...

Author: Julia N. Albrecht 

Year: 2010 

» Think Tank X Sustainable Destination Management and the Marketing-P... file 6621 Oct 13, 2013

A traditional and widely held view is that a sustainable approach to destination planning and management ideally requires that marketing and product development are undertaken in an integrated manner. However, if we take just two activities...

Author: Tazim Jamal & Dianne Dredge 

Year: 2010 

3 Think Tank X Innovation of and in Informal Actor Network file 6553 Oct 13, 2013

How the informal sectors create and share innovation in gaining competition is very important in tourism development. Commonly, informal sectors are embedded in their routines and lack of innovation capacities. Based on the case of pedicab ...

Author: Maya Damayanti 

Year: 2010 

2 Think Tank X The Importance of Networks for Innovation in Sustainab... file 5781 Oct 13, 2013

This paper highlights the importance of new and established networks that underpin the innovation processes in sustainable tourism. It will draw on published literature as well as case studies to describe the various types of networks that ...

Author: Jack Carlsen, Janne J. Liburd & Deborah Edwards 

Year: 2010 

1 Think Tank X The Role of Knowledge-based Networks in Sustainable To... file 4431 Oct 13, 2013

In practice, tourism organisations tend to be more serious towards their financial viability and therefore undermine long-term socio-cultural and environmental consequences. In so doing they impede their own ability and that of the destinat...

Author: Ehsan Ahmed & Larry Dwyer 

Year: 2010